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An Orthodox Survival Course 2020

Guidance for Remaining Faithful to the God-man Christ


A six-week introductory course, with a one hour lecture each week, followed by a Q & A session. This introductory course will be followed by a more extensive course in the Fall.

The course will begin with a summary of the work done by Fr. Seraphim Rose in his “Survival Course,” the aim of which was to help the faithful understand the apostasy and know why the modern age is the way it is. The course will, furthermore, point the faithful to contemporary sources of guidance given by the Saints of our age and important ecclesiastical writers, and analyze the challenges currently facing the Church, including church closures, “sanitized” temples of God, multiple lavides (“spoons”), vaccinations and computer chips, wars, rumors of wars and other signs of our times.


Begins on Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 9 PM (EST, New York), 6 PM (PST, San Francisco), 11 AM, Friday (Sydney, Australia)

  • A second Q&A Session for Eastern Hemisphere participants will be held every Friday evening at 7:30 PM (Sydney time zone)
  • Lessons are held weekly, every Thursday evening.
  • Seminar Dates: July 30; August 6, 13, 20, 26*; September 3. [*Wednesday evening]
  • Lectures and Q & A sessions will be available for viewing after they are live-streamed.


Online, through The Orthodox Ethos Patreon Page; Go there now to sign up by becoming a patron of The Orthdodox Ethos, at whatever level of support you prefer.

The Aim:

To assist in the acquisition of the Mind of Christ, the Orthodox Patristic Perspective and Worldview, in order to protect the faithful from the wiles of enemy and the spirit of Antichrist which, by another name, is secularism.


Archpriest Peter Heers
Lecturer in Dogmatic Theology
Holy Trinity Seminary

Orthodox Ethos is a collective effort of nearly a dozen Orthodox Christians, ordained and lay. Our purpose is to present and support the Orthodox truth, way and life, which is Christ Himself.

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