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Articles tagged: Council

June 4th, 2016

Can a Council of Orthodox Bishops Impart "Ecclesiality" to the Heterodox?

The challenge of the upcoming Great Council

Professor Demitrius Tselegidis

Instructor of Dogmatic Theology

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Standing here I feel an obligation to publicly thank, from the bottom of my heart, our gracious host, the intense warrior and good shepherd, who has been honored time and time again with the reproach that Christ spoke of in the Beatitudes, Metropolitan Seraphim of...

June 4th, 2016

ROC Synod Meets To Discuss Problems With Great and Holy Council

> Will the withdrawal of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria prompt a revision of the pre-synodical documents?

MOSCOW: June 3, 2016

The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Meets to Discuss Problems Arising With the Pan-Orthodox Council

During a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow on June 3, 2016, it was noted that as the Pan-Orthodox Council approaches, serious problems have arisen demanding immediate...

Tagged In: Council
June 2nd, 2016

Meeting of the Holy Synod of the Church of Georgia

The Holy Synod has concluded that if serious alterations are not made to several proposed texts, the Church of Georgia will not sign them.

Minutes of the Session of the Holy Synod (25.05.2016)

On May 25 2016, the regular plenary session of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Georgia was held at the Patriarchate of Georgia. The Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II acted as the Chairman of the session.

Metropolitan Shio (Mujiri) of Senaki and Chkhopotsku was appointed Secretary of the session. The...

Tagged In: Council
June 1st, 2016


Requests Council to be Postponed and Will only Attend if Concerns Addressed

The governing body of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, the Holy Synod, signalled on June 1 its withdrawal from the Pan-Orthodox Council to be held on Crete from June 16 to 26.

Strictly speaking, the Holy Synod demanded the postponement of the council unless its various demands were met, but given that this is unlikely to happen, the Synod’s decision effectively amounts to withdrawal.


Tagged In: Council
May 31st, 2016

The Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church by Metropolitan Nikolaos of Mesogaias

If the Synod is not Holy it will not be Great either...

“We shall not deny thee, beloved Orthodoxy, nor will we be false to thee, tradition’s respect. We were born in thee, we will live in thee, and in thee we will fall asleep. If the times call for it we will die for thee many times.”
- Joseph Bryennius


Dear Fathers and brothers, CHRIST IS RISEN!

I am sure you...

Tagged In: Council
May 31st, 2016

From the Second Vatican Council (1965) to the Pan-Orthodox Council (2016)

Signposts on the Way to Crete

Delivered to the Diacideian Institute of the People in Patra, Greece, May 18, 2016.

It is an overused but necessary cliché to state that the Orthodox Church is the Church of the Oecumenical Councils. It is more essential to state that the Orthodox Church not only held and lived through those Councils, it also lives daily by the words spoken by the Holy Apostles in that first of all...

Tagged In: Council
May 30th, 2016

A letter of Archimandrite Lazar (Abashidze) on the Pan-Orthodox Council to Patriarch Ilia and the Holy Synod of the Georgian Church

To His Holiness and Beatitude Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Archbishop of Mtskheta and Tbilisi, Metropolitan of Bichvinta and Tskhum-Abkhazia, Ilia II, right reverend Bishops—members of the Holy Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church.

To Your Holiness, holy Vladykas, today equally together with You we are disquieted...

Tagged In: Council
May 30th, 2016

The Holy and Great Council: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff

Evangelos Sotiropoulos


With the journey to Pascha having reached its ultimate destination at the glorious Resurrection of the Lord, the Orthodox Church has now embarked on the Pentecostarion period.

Pentecost (the descent of God the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem - Acts 2:1-11) will be celebrated on June 19th. This year’s feast will have added significance because it will mark the commencement of the...

Tagged In: Council
May 30th, 2016

Mt. Athos sends letter to Ecumenical Patriarch regarding the Great and Holy Council

The text sent by the Holy Mountain of Athos to the Patriarch concerning the "Great and Holy Council" has been made public and is now available online at the link below.

The Holy Community, representing the abbots of the Athonite Monasteries, have sent a long epistle to the Patriarch in which they engage in a severe critique of the pre-synodical texts which the Council had been asked to...

Tagged In: Council

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