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Articles tagged: heresy-of-ecumenism

May 11th, 2016

Saint Justin (Popovich) On the Pan-Orthodox Council

In preparation for my talk next week in Patra (entitled "From the Second Vatican Council to the Pan Orthodox Council") I read the memorandum the great Saint Justin wrote in 1977 on the planned Council (see below). For all who wish to be filled with sobriety and watchfulness, this is a must read today!

The prophetic and immortal words of the great confessor and theologian of the Serbian Orthodox...

April 24th, 2016

Ο Μητροπολίτης Φλωρίνης Θεόκλητος για τη Μεγάλη Σύνοδο​

Metr. Theokletos of Florina on the Great Synod

Metropolitan Theokletos of Florina stated in a recent interview that he has expressed his opposition to the pre-synodical text "Relations of the Orthodox Church with Rest of the Christian World" in a memorandum to the entire hierarchy of the Church of Greece.

He states that the term "church" must not be used except to refer to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the Orthodox Church. He...

April 22nd, 2016

From a Catholic

This was sent to me by a friend.

Besides the obvious mistaken perception about the church, which one expects from Latin quarters, the commentary below is of interest to us because of the similar methodology he sees at work in the pan-Orthodox synod with that at work during Vatican II.

The asterisks are mine, the commentary yours...

"A private message I received from a...

April 18th, 2016

Do all Religions Have the Same Heavenly Father?

- Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

[Fr. Peter: This points us to the deeper problem, there where some want to take us, which few yet see or understand...]

“WE ARE ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS” Are we? First in Jerusalem (May 27, 2014), and more recently in Rome (June 8, 2014), Patriarch Bartholomew hammers the message of universal brotherhood with intra-Christian and interfaith prayer services (which...

Tagged In: heresy-of-ecumenism

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