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Articles tagged: Liturgical abuse

May 31st, 2020

To our beloved Hierarchs and Clergy of the Orthodox Churches of America and everywhere

From Your Parishioners

May 31, 2020 – Sunday of the Holy Fathers

To our beloved Hierarchs and Clergy of the Orthodox Churches of America and everywhere:

In May of 1848, The Eastern Patriarchs wrote a profound encyclical to the Pope in response to his flawed papal primacy claims. Toward the end of this most...

May 29th, 2020

​Orthodoxy’s Third Iconoclastic Period: 2020-20XX?

Nicholas Metrakos

Over one thousand years later, the ugly wolf of iconoclasm is again growling at the gates of the Orthodox Church. The princes of this world, in fear of the loss of their temporary power and misguided by perverse and strange theologies have influenced the shepherds of the flock of Christ to reject the borders of tradition – just as Leo the Isaurian and Constantine the Dung-named pushed...

May 28th, 2020

On the Holy Temple of God & COVID-19 Infection: Interview with Archimandrite Savas Agioreitis (1/4)

The Orthodox Ethos Podcast

The first part of our four-part discussion with Archimandrite Savas Agioreitis, on the question of whether the Holy Temple and Holy Things can be conduits for infection and sickness.


00:36 - Biographical...

May 5th, 2020


Archpriest John Klingel

We have all seen by now the disruptive reports describing in detail just how deadly and serious the coronavirus is. While that is true, the way that many within the Church are responding and, in particular, the guidance that we have received from many bishops, is disconcerting. We are directed now by hierarchs in several jurisdictions that the laity are to remain at home viewing the services via...

May 5th, 2020


Archpriest John Klingel

With the outbreak of the Coronavirus we hear calls repeatedly from many priests and hierarchs to practice social distancing, avoid attendance at Liturgy, and rely instead on viewing the live-streaming of liturgical services. Is this good advice?

While temporary absence from liturgical services may be a necessary part of our response to the virus outbreak, the spiritual efficacy of live-streaming...

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