On «The Truly Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church»
By Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Ierotheos Vlachos
Introduction: His Eminence Hierotheos Vlachos, Metropolitan of Nafpaktos and Agios Vlassios in Greece, is regarded as one of the foremost authorities on the Orthodox spiritual life and Patristic theology. He has taught theology in the Theological School of Balamant, of the Church of Antioch, in the Holy Cross College in Boston, and in the Tacoma Pacific Lutheran University. A prolific writer, he has...
Does heresy no longer exist?
Do the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Greek Archdiocese No Longer Believe Heresy Exists?
The Ecumenical Patriarchate's Press Officer, the Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis, says "there is no need to identify heresy" today
In our day and age, in which spiritual delusion, heresy, occultism, New Age spirituality, black magic, and so many other spiritual diseases are circulating, is it possible for the Orthodox Church to follow the second Vatican Council and other heterodox Christians in basically ignoring the presence of heresy?
There is the idea within ecumenical circles that we can no longer speak of heresy, that...
An Excerpt from "The Ecclesiological Renovation of Vatican II"
Protopresbyter Peter Heers
The idea of full and partial communion, so central to the new ecclesiology, is inconsistent with this understanding of the organic un ity of the Church. Once again, in this regard as well, Vatican II was not a return to the patristic vision of the Church, but rather a further step away from it. As Metropolitan Kallistos Ware has written:...
News update: Three Local Orthodox Churches and Mt. Athos take stands against the Pan Orthodox Council's proposed texts
The Churches of Greece, Georgia and Bulgaria and Mt. Athos Unified in Their Witness to Orthodoxy
(This is something of an update to (and confirmation of) what I said in my recent lecture, "From the Second Vatican Council to the Pan Orthodox Council".)
The hierarchy of the Church of Greece has met and has unanimously decided to except nearly every correction proposed by the hierarchs and to send those corrections to the Great and Holy Council for a thorough revision of the pre-synodical...
Those "Married" by the State and not by the Church Have Departed from the Church
- Metropolitan Paul of Siatista (Greece)
Metropolitan Paul of Siatista says that anyone who has only been legally married at the county office but not married in the church cannot commune of the holy mysteries and cannot become a sponsor in baptisms or marriage. Of course, the metropolitan is only repeating the standard position of the church, but it bears repeating for few are employing it and many are neglecting it.
He says,...
Romanian Translation of a lecture given at the Piraeus Conference
The Recognition of Heterodox Baptism as the Basis for a New Ecclesiology (In Step with Vatican II)
Recunoașterea botezului eterodocșilor ca bază pentru o nouă eclesiologie (în consonanță cu Conciliul Vatican II) <
de Protopopul Peter Heers, Rector al Biserici Sfântului Proroc Ilie, Petrokerasa, Grecia
Prin presiunea acceptării la nivel panortodox a textului pre-sinodal, "Relațiile Bisericii Ortodoxe cu restul lumii creștine", se încununează cu succes un proces de un veac de...
Ανακοίνωση της Ιεράς Συνόδου της Ρωσικής Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας της Διασποράς (ROCOR)
Νέα Υόρκη - 13 Απριλίου 2016
A Prophecy About the Pan Orthodox Council (?) from Kosmas Flamiatou
He Foresaw the "Abolishing of Orthodoxy" through an Ecumenical Council
A reader over at ROMFEA.GR posted the following commentary and excerpt in response to my lecture in Patra. This is from a work of Kosmas Flamiatou. See a translation of the prophecy further below, made by a friend (to whom I am indebted and grateful)…
Εἶναι ἐξαιρετικῶς ἐνδιαφέρουσα ἡ προσέγγισις τοῦ π. Πέτρου, νά ἰδῇ τήν ἐπικειμένην “Αγίαν καί Μεγάλην Σύνοδον” ὡς...