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June 10th, 2016

Georgian Orthodox Church will not take part in Pan-Orthodox Council

Over the past days several Orthodox churches have refused to attend the Pan-Orthodox Council

TBILISI, June 10. /TASS/. The Georgian Orthodox Church will not take part in the Pan-Orthodox Council to be held in Crete on June 17-27. The relevant decision was taken at a meeting of the church’s Holy Synod held in Tbilisi on Friday presided by Ilya II, the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia.

The Georgian Orthodox Church has confirmed local media reports on the issue in an...

Tagged In: Council
June 10th, 2016

Russian Orthodox Church Likely Not to Attend Pan-Orthodox Council

According to the vice president of the “Jerusalem” Russian Spiritual and Cultural Heritage Center, Oleg Fomin

The intrigue surrounding the relationship of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Pan-Orthodox Council, planned to take place June 16-27, will soon be resolved. “Russian Planet” learned of this at the Volgograd Second International Christian Forum. At the moment the Moscow Patriarchate has taken an ambivalent position, supporting critics and supporters of the Council.

“To my knowledge, I can bring...

Tagged In: Council
June 9th, 2016

Constantinople Patriarchate Threatens the Unity of Orthodox World

- Historian Natalya Narochnitskaya

Moscow, June 8, Interfax - PhD in History Natalya Narochnitskaya, speaking about the difficulties on the way of convening the Pan-Orthodox Council, accused the Constantinople Patriarchate as its actions can split the Orthodox world.

"At the present moment, relations among the Constantinople Patriarchate and other Orthodox Local Orthodox Churches cause serious concerns in light of the last...

June 9th, 2016

​The Essential Problems with the Holy and Great Council

His Eminence Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos and St. Vlasios

[Intervention addressed to the Hierarchs of the Church, May 2016]

The Great and Holy Council, which is due to gather in June of 2016 in Crete, was “the expectation” of many whose vision it was, and who tired in order to prepare for it, and now the Council finally moves towards its convocation. The question here put forth is whether the Holy and Great...

June 8th, 2016

The "Great and Holy" Council: An Analysis, Questions, and Impressions

A Letter to His Beatitude, Our Father Patriarch John X and the Members of the Holy Synod of Antioch regarding the Great Council

His Beatitude, Our FatherJohn X (Yazigi)

and Their Emminences, the Members of the Holy Synod of Antioch

the Patriarchal Center, Balamand

Our Father, Your Beatitude the Patriarch,

After asking for your blessing and prayers, I present you, as a child of the Orthodox Church in the Holy See of ...

June 8th, 2016

WARNING: Holy and Great Synod ahead

- Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis

A bomb threatens us, and most of us are unaware of it. I feel it is my duty to inform you of the impending great danger we are heading into, and take appropriate measures. No, it’s not about a nuclear threat or a major terrorist attack, but something much worse—because such things can put an end to our temporary life, whereas the danger about which I want to warn you threatens our eternal...

June 7th, 2016

If problems on way to Pan-Orthodox Council are not resolved, it is better postponed

- Metropolitan Hilarion

June 7, 2016

There is no sense in holding the Pan-Orthodox Council without taking into account the opinions of all of the Local Churches, the Moscow Patriarchate believes.

"We proposed that the Patriarch of Constantinople hold a conference before the Council to tackle all the issues due to which Churches are now refusing to participate one after another. If these...

Tagged In: Council

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