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Articles tagged: bishops

July 28th, 2021

Concerning That "Church" Which Will Accept a Legalization from the Antichrist

St. John Maximovitch

St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco (+1966), from a homily given in 1956 on the Sunday of the Dread Judgment:

"St. John the Theologian "himself says that he was 'in the Spirit' - meaning that the Holy Spirit Itself was in him - when the fate of the Church and the world was revealed to him in various symbols. That is why this is a Divine Revelation. He presents the fate of the Church in...

July 21st, 2021

Bishops: Do not persecute the Priests for preserving Orthodox traditions!

By Metropolitan Ambrosios of Kalavryta

His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosios is the former Metropolitan of the Metropolis of Kalavryta and Aigialeia in northern Greece. What follows is a translation of his open letter, posted (in Greek) on Aktines on June 22, 2021."

"Your Beatitude,

Holy Fathers,
Brethren in Christ,

The Body of...

July 5th, 2021

Proper Orthodox Priestly Attire and Appearance According to the Saints

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain..." (Prov. 31:30). "Do not be conformed to this world..." (Rom.12:2).

(The following is a conversation between St. Iakavos of Evia and his spiritual child[ren]):

St. Iakavos: "“When we put on the cassock, we begin with the goal of sanctifying our soul. Care is necessary, however. For love of the world’s honor and glory, our egotism can make us lose our soul, rather than sanctify it... Priests shouldn’t cut their hair....

"The priest's cassock is the flag of the Church of our Christ: for this reason we must try hard to honor it, we who wear it, with a holy life, so that those who don't wear it will honor and respect it." - St. Amphilochios of Patmos

Source: H. Middleton, Precious Vessels of the Holy Spirit: The Lives and Counsels of Contemporary Elders of...

June 21st, 2021

IMPORTANT! New Lecture from Constantine Zalalas!

IMPORTANT! New lecture from Constantine Zalalas! Topics discussed include: the 1st Ecumenical Synod, papal Protestantism, Ecumenism, and the mad rush for mass inoculations. . .


October 20th, 2020

Are Orthodox Christian Bishops Afraid of COVID, the Government, or Both?

President Trump, after recovering from COVID, was due to leave Walter Reed hospital when he Tweeted this message, “Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.”

As an obese 74 year-old with a famously poor diet and a high-stress job, Trump has very publicly beaten the virus and in a short period of time. President Trump is also the...

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