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Articles tagged: Catholicism

June 15th, 2022

St. Theophan the Recluse Adopted an Ecumenistic Ecclesiology?

According to some, St. Theophan the Recluse is sympathetic toward, if not outright endorsing, an ecumenistic ecclesiology. They suppose that he recognizes the validity of mysteries outside the Orthodox Church and that the boundaries of the Body of Christ extend past the Orthodox Church. The first two quotes may appear to support this, even if indirectly, but the third quote outright contradicts any such...

February 13th, 2022


THIS TUESDAY @ 8 PM EST on the OE Youtube Channel



10 Heretical & Innovative Ideas Promoted Today, from least to most egregious:

10. Relevance to pop culture trumps faithfulness to Holy Tradition, and thus clergy should shed the traditional cassock for the Latin collar.

9. The Holy...

July 5th, 2021

Proper Orthodox Priestly Attire and Appearance According to the Saints

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain..." (Prov. 31:30). "Do not be conformed to this world..." (Rom.12:2).

(The following is a conversation between St. Iakavos of Evia and his spiritual child[ren]):

St. Iakavos: "“When we put on the cassock, we begin with the goal of sanctifying our soul. Care is necessary, however. For love of the world’s honor and glory, our egotism can make us lose our soul, rather than sanctify it... Priests shouldn’t cut their hair....

"The priest's cassock is the flag of the Church of our Christ: for this reason we must try hard to honor it, we who wear it, with a holy life, so that those who don't wear it will honor and respect it." - St. Amphilochios of Patmos

Source: H. Middleton, Precious Vessels of the Holy Spirit: The Lives and Counsels of Contemporary Elders of...

July 1st, 2021

St. Photios the Great Against the Augustinian Doctrine of Original Sin

"Theodore of Mopsuestia (ca. 350-428) wrote a book titled Against the Defenders of Original Sin which Saint Photios the Great read and reviewed in his Bibliotheca (177). It is often said that Theodore was the only eastern bishop who not only spoke about but also against Original Sin as formulated in the West, but with this review we see that Saint Photios does as well. The chief defender of the doctrine...

April 25th, 2021

The Stance of Saint Paisios the Athonite on the Reception of Converts in the Baptism of the Heterodox

An excerpt from Apostle to Zaire: The Life and Legacy of Blessed Father Cosmas of Grigoriou

— A follow up to a recent post “The Stance of St Iakovos of Euboea on the Reception of Converts and the Baptism of the Heterodox”.


“Many have commented: “How is it that the Africans, being only recently baptized, can maintain such an intensity and exactness in their Orthodoxy, while many of us in parishes in Greece, America and elsewhere are much more lax?” The answer, I believe,...

March 26th, 2021

Orthodox Ecclesiology - Lesson 5: The 8th Oecumenical Council & the Great Schism

Archpriest Peter Heers

The Church in the post-Iconoclast age and pre-schism period, in the Eighth Oecumenical Council under St. Photios the Great and at the end of the first millennium and the eve of the Great Schism and beyond.

The fifth lesson of our 10 week course, "Orthodox Ecclesiology: The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and the Pan-Heresy of Syncretistic Ecumenism" will also look at the 1st-2nd Council...

June 23rd, 2020

St. Gregory Palamas: A Guide of Orthodoxy vis-a-vis the West and Roman Catholicism (Australia Lectures)

~ By Archpriest Peter Heers, Lecturer in Dogmatic Theology (CTS), Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, NY.

May 25th, 2018

How our world stopped being Christian: anatomy of a collapse

Review by Jean-Claude Larchet of Guillaume Cuchet’s book Comment notre monde a cessé d’être chrétien. Anatomie d’un effondrement [How our world stopped being Christian: anatomy of a collapse] (Paris: Seuil, 2018), 276 pp.

For half a century, many authors have noted the spectacular decadence of Catholicism in France and more widely in Europe, and have worried about it: Louis Bouyer in The Decomposition of Catholicism (1968), Serge Bonnet in À hue et à dia. The Avatars of Clericalism in the Fifth Republic (1973), Michel de Certeau and Jean-Marie Domenach in Christianity Exploded (1974), Paul...

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