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Articles tagged: Church History

February 2nd, 2021

ORTHODOXY and the OLD WORLD: An Interview w/ Fr. Peter Heers

By John Heers, First Things Foundation

This is a bit dated - done in September - but I don’t think I shared it here with you all then.

John is the founder and director of the First Things Foundation which takes “first world” youngish men (and women) to the “old [developing] world” (usually next to an Orthodox missionary, like Fr. Themi in Sierra Leon) for a few years, where they immerse, learn the language and then connect with locals...

November 2nd, 2020


~ Elder Athanasios Mytilinaios

...Then as I said, Apostle Peter asked them to be quiet. A very serious problem arises here, which has been troubling me for years now. Since you and I are inside the Church, and we are the Church, this is the problem: The secrecy of the issues of the Church by the faithful.

The Church was once a closed circle. A relic of this closed circle that has remained to this day is when...

November 1st, 2020

As an Orthodox Christian, How should I vote?: St. Paisios the Athonite is Your Guide

Archpriest Peter Heers

In former times, if a pious Christian was involved in public life, he probably wasn’t too well. They would have considered him crazy. Today, it is the opposite. If a pious person isn’t concerned and pained by the way things are in the world, he is the one who has lost his mind. - St. Paisios the Athonite

TODAY you cannot stand indifferent...

May 29th, 2020

​Orthodoxy’s Third Iconoclastic Period: 2020-20XX?

Nicholas Metrakos

Over one thousand years later, the ugly wolf of iconoclasm is again growling at the gates of the Orthodox Church. The princes of this world, in fear of the loss of their temporary power and misguided by perverse and strange theologies have influenced the shepherds of the flock of Christ to reject the borders of tradition – just as Leo the Isaurian and Constantine the Dung-named pushed...

June 18th, 2019

The Unbroken Continuity of the Roman Empire

Gregory Heers

Livy, the Roman historian that lived around the time of Christ, wrote, ‘I do honestly believe that no country has ever been greater or purer than ours, or richer in good citizens and noble deeds’ (Early History 30). It is therefore lamentable that in the common mind this most glorious empire should be endowed with an end so ignoble and unworthy of mention. According to any typical history-book, the Roman...

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