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Articles tagged: Divine Liturgy

July 1st, 2021

St. Ieronymos of Simonopetra and the Bombs during Divine Liturgy

"He was told to close the church for security reasons. He did not accept. He wanted to stay true to his duty."

“"Father, do not officiate tomorrow. It is very dangerous!"

"Silence, silence!"

"Elder, please! The situation has worsened. Every day bombs fall around us. We are afraid to leave the house. We are worried about you too."

Unperturbed, Fr. Ieronymos listened to the people who in the last few days arrived anxiously at the Simonopetra Metochi of the Ascension in Byron, Attica. They...

May 8th, 2021

We are not here, we are up there, with the Saints

- Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra

Where is Christ? Here and everywhere! Above all, Christ, the second person of the Holy Trinity, is seated within the Holy of Holies, at the right hand of the heavenly Father. So don’t think that when we go to church, we are simply entering and exiting an ordinary building. Instead, we go up to, and make our entrance into, the Holy of Holies, into the heavens themselves. As we open the...

October 4th, 2020

The Demonic Method of Co-existence, Dialogue, Infiltration, and Subversion at work in Ecumenism Today

~ Archpriest Peter Heers

The following analysis of the demonic methodology at work in contemporary syncretistic ecumenism was distributed to participants in the summer online course “An Orthodox Survival Course 2020” which we offered through our Patreon page (and

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