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Articles tagged: Faith

April 7th, 2022

The Holy Fathers Forbid Prayer with the Heterodox

Excerpted from ECUMENISM: AN ORTHODOX EXAMINATION, by Fr. Peter Heers

February 8th, 2022

TRANSCRIPT For Homily on Christ Walking on Water

By: Fr. Peter Heers (2021)

Transcriber's Note: Upon the request of the faithful to have a written transcript of this homily, it has finally been accomplished with the grace of God. We pray this homily will both edify, guide, and strengthen you during these days of faithlessness and fear.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit....

January 20th, 2022

Each Member of the Church Always Works for the Whole

St. Justin Popović from his book "The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism"

St Justin Popović writes,

"In all respects, the organism of the Church is the most complex known to man. Why? Because it is a unique theanthropic organism in which all divine and human mysteries and all divine and human powers constitute one body. Only the omniscient, omnipotent Theanthropos, the Lord Christ, could unite and assemble all this into one Body, His own, of which He is the eternal...

December 9th, 2021


— By Elder Ephraim of Philotheou and Arizona


— This prophecy is now circulating widely in Greek and undoubtedly has been told to many. This was told to me by a spiritual son of the elder a day before the elder’s Funeral Service and Burial. (The spiritual son said that the elder told him this in 2008) Thus, I heard it about 3 months before the difficulties he speaks of began and the coronavirus “crisis” exploded. He...

November 27th, 2021

Η Πατερική Στάση για τα Εμβόλια - Συνέντευξη με τον π. Σάββα Αγιορείτη (1/3)

Για την εκπομπή, το Oρθόδοξο Ήθος

Στο Α' μέρος της συνέντευξής μας με τον πάτερ Σάββα Αγιορείτη και θα ασχοληθούμε με:

Η κυτταρικές σειρές από εκτρωμένα έμβρυα στην παραγωγή εμβολίων

Η στάση ορθοδόξων βιβλιοθηκών για την κρίση των κυττάρων στα φάρμακα

Η απαγόρευση των ανεμβολιασμένων στους ναούς

Η αλλαγή που παρατηρείται σε πολλούς εμβολιασμένος

The Orthodox Ethos...

October 27th, 2021

Weep! by I. M. Andreyev

A True Story of Evil in NYC & The Christian Social Ethic

There once appeared in one of New York City’s newspapers a small article entitled “Child-killer.” This article stated that in a little hotel on West 84th Street there occurred a frightening event, a horrible crime—a mother beat to death her two-year old son. The brief details recounted in the article only magnify the horror of this cruel act. And what were the details? This time, even the...

October 26th, 2021

Fr. Ioannis Drongitis on Covidism

Interview in Four Parts

If you are in Fr. Demetrios Carellas’ email group, you will have noticed a four-part presentation of interviews by Fr. Ioannis Drongitis from October 3rd to October 7th. These reveal, to the English-speaking world, this priest who was not known before but we now hear boldly and “as one having authority” (cf. Matthew 7:29) confessing the truth of the spiritual matters on which many...

October 25th, 2021

Homily on Christ Walking on the Water

by Fr. Peter Heers

On the 9th Sunday after Pentecost 2021, the Holy Church of Christ commemorates the miracle of Christ walking on the water. In this homily, Fr. Peter speaks about the relationship between fear and faith, how St. Peter's example informs us today, the covidism and totalitarianism that are on the rise, and calls us to trust the Lord, the great Pedagoge, first and foremost in everything we do. So much in this...

October 8th, 2021


Compiled by Orthodox Ethos

Dearest to Christ,

Many Orthodox Christians have contacted us seeking resources for exemption from mandatory masks, vaccination, and testing against Covid-19 in various settings (i.e., workforce, school, and military). Below, we have compiled various resources we believe are helpful. Each has its own particular strength; find the documents best suited to your situation. Maybe multiple documents...

October 6th, 2021

A Return of Evil Signs

by Archpriest Geoffrey Korz; re-post from Orthodox Reflections on October 4, 2021

I would like to speak to you about three signs: one from a hundred years ago, one from ninety years ago, and one from today. These signs are not signs of prophecy – but they are signs of the times. Evil signs.

The first sign, from one hundred years ago, is a sign that was found on the doors of restaurants and stores throughout the United...

September 21st, 2021

Two Reflections on the Veneration of the Holy and Life-giving Cross

By: Two Orthodox Christians

Reflection 1:

““Today the Cross of the Lord goeth forth, and the faithful welcome it with longing, and they receive healing of soul and body and of every malady. Let us kiss it with joy and fear: with fear, because of sin, for we are unworthy; with...

August 2nd, 2021

An Essential Epistle on the Greatest Blasphemy of Our Days

By George Karras, “Orthodox Heritage” editor, May 27th, 2020.


Today, at the end of the most tragic Lenten and Paschal season His Bride has ever lived, we celebrate the Apodosis of Pascha and tomorrow Orthodoxy observes His Holy Ascension. Sadly, most Orthodox churches shall remain either closed or with limited (at best)...

August 1st, 2021


From the Burning Bush Brotherhood

July 28th, 2021

COMPLETE LECTURE SERIES LINKS! Russia's New Martyrs & The Catacomb Church: A Type of the End Times

Today in Russia tomorrow in America.

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