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Articles tagged: Fr. George Metallinos

July 20th, 2020

Τhe Sunday of the Holy Fathers and the Meaning of Heresy

The Orthodox Ethos Podcast

A pernicious and dangerous re-definition of heresy is spreading among theologians and hierarchs which blurs the boundaries of Orthodoxy and heresy and thus blocks the path of return and salvation for many. In this podcast Fr. Peter examines the teaching of the Holy Fathers on heresy, heretics, and the key differences, including, first of all, the therapeutic methodology in the Church, the fruit of which,...

January 23rd, 2020

“A LION OF ORTHODOXY”: THEOLOGIAN, ASCETIC, ANTI-ECUMENIST; In memoriam, Protpresbyter George Metallinos

By Athanasius Zoitakis

Fr. George Metallinos is and will be remembered among those still struggling in this world as a great Churchman, a faithful man, a confessor and expositor of Orthodoxy, an unparalleled expert on Orthodoxy and Greece under the Turkish Yoke, and a spiritual man of great stature, nobility and refinement. I was very blessed to come to know Fr. George in the early 2000s and work besides him drafting several...

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