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Articles tagged: heresy-of-ecumenism

June 25th, 2016

Council Accepts Proposal of the Church of Greece to Revise Controversial Text

Decisive Change to the "Relations" Text

A proposal by the Church of Greece was unanimously accepted by the Local Churches at the Council in Crete which removes any reference to "recognizing" the historical existence of other Churches.

Here is the statement of the Holy Synod of the Church Greece:

"Pertaining to the important text regarding the relations of the Orthodox Church to the rest of the Christian world, the...

June 19th, 2016

Harbinger of Storm or Passage to Calm? (On the Pan Orthodox Council)

An Antiochian Perspective on the “Holy and Great Council” [AUDIO]

June 18, 2016 Length: 16:51

Archpriest Patrick B. O'Grady offers an Antiochian perspective on the "Holy and Great Council" currently taking place in Crete. Fr. Patrick is the pastor of St Peter the Apostle Antiochian Orthodox Church in Pomona, California, and Associate Fellow of The Antiochian Orthodox Institute, La Verne, California. A pdf transcript is also provided.

Direct link (Play in browser)

Source: Ancient Faith Radio

June 10th, 2016

Is the Phanar about to Fall into Schism?

Source: Orthodox England

Two Local Orthodox Churches, Bulgaria and Antioch, have withdrawn from the Crete meeting, organized by Phanar bureaucrats in Constantinople. The Georgian Church, savagely insulted by the Phanar (just as it also insulted the Bulgarian Church, causing a diplomatic incident, and the Church of Greece, whose canonical territory it invaded) for its faithfulness to Orthodoxy, may not attend. The Serbian Church...

June 9th, 2016

Constantinople Patriarchate Threatens the Unity of Orthodox World

- Historian Natalya Narochnitskaya

Moscow, June 8, Interfax - PhD in History Natalya Narochnitskaya, speaking about the difficulties on the way of convening the Pan-Orthodox Council, accused the Constantinople Patriarchate as its actions can split the Orthodox world.

"At the present moment, relations among the Constantinople Patriarchate and other Orthodox Local Orthodox Churches cause serious concerns in light of the last...

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