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Articles tagged: heresy-of-ecumenism

September 14th, 2016

New Publication Dedicated to an Assessment of the Cretan Council

Three Extensive Analyses of the Council and Its Documents

A new publication in Greek examining the "Cretan Council" is now available on-line:

It contains three exceptional examinations of the pre-history, oŕganization and documents of the Council by Archimandrite Athanasius, the Pro-Igoumenos of Great Meteora, Archpriest Theodore Zisis, Professor Emeritus of Patrology at the Theological School of the University of Thessaloniki, and Professor Demetrios Tselengidis, Professor of Dogmatic Theology at the same theological school.

This is a "must" read for all Orthodox Christians and especially clergy and Hierarchs!

If anyone is able and interested in assisting in translating the texts into English and other languages, please contact us via email or Facebook or leave a comment below.

We will return to these important texts soon with excerpts.

August 18th, 2016

Εκκλησιαστική Αντιπροσωπεία από την Ελλάδα συναντήθηκε με τον Πατριάρχη και Ιεράρχες της Εκκλησίας της Γεωργίας

Στο επίκεντρο των συναντήσεων ήταν η επίσημη απάντηση της Εκκλησίας της Γεωργίας στη Σύνοδο της Κρήτης [For Greek Speakers]

July 16th, 2016

Ὁ π. Θεόδωρος Ζήσης ἀποκαλύπτει τὸν οἰκουμενισμὸ στὶς Θεολογικὲς σχολὲς καὶ τὸν ρόλο τῶν οἰκουμενιστῶν καθηγητῶν!

Ὁ πατὴρ Θεόδωρος Ζήσης, Ὁμότιμος καθηγητὴς τῆς Θεολογικῆς Σχολῆς ΑΠΘ, παραχώρησε ἀποκλειστικὴ συνέντευξη στὸ «Ῥωμαίικο Ὁδοιπορικό», σχετικὰ μέ:

α) Ἀπὸ πότε ἄρχισε ὁ...

Tagged In: heresy-of-ecumenism
July 15th, 2016

Gathering of Clergy and Monastics in Moldavia Petitions the Patriarch of Moscow to Reject the Council in Crete

Father Theodore Zisis, Professor Demetrios Tselengidis and other clergy from Greece were invited to the Republic of Moldavia to speak to clergy and monastics about the Council of Crete. The following video clip is a short excerpt from the speech given by Fr. Theodore, in Greek, with Romanian translation, in which he briefly explains the developments on Mt. Athos and calls upon the Patriarch...

July 15th, 2016

The Church or a Parasynagogue? A Short Reflection

By Fr. Peter Heers

A brother in Christ reacted to the decision of some Athonite Fathers to call for cessation of commemoration of the Patriarch of Constantinople by calling them a "parasynagogue." This is an interesting response, for it brings to light the question of how to discern where the Church is and where are heresy, schism and "illegal assemblies" (an English translation of the Greek word...

Tagged In: heresy-of-ecumenism
July 14th, 2016


An "Open Letter" from Athonite Fathers to the Holy Community of the Holy Mountain of Athos is calling for an immediate convocation of the governing body of Mt. Athos in order to condemn the "false council" of Crete and cease the comemoration of the Patriarch of Constantinople on Mt. Athos.

OVER 60 Hieromonk and monks, with a disciple of Saint Paisios, Elder Gabriel of the Kelli...

July 5th, 2016



“How could it happen that the Holy and Great Council on Crete called heterodox heretical communities ‘Churches?’” His Grace asked. “They said, wrote, and signed the term 'heterodox Christian Churches.' So now heretics have become a ‘Church?’ Then what oneChurch do we talk about in the Symbol of Faith?”

Met. Jeremiah noted that the Greek Church’s delegation at the Council breached its...

July 4th, 2016

​Declaration of His Eminence Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemesou

On Why He did not sign the text "Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World"

Declaration of His Eminence Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemesou

Because of the confusion among faithful Christians concerning whether I finally signed the text of the Holy and Great Synod with the title “Relations of the Orthodox Church With the Rest of the Christian World”, I desire to inform those who are...

July 4th, 2016

The So-Called "Great" Orthodox Council

By Archimandrite Gregorios Stephan

The following article was translated with the blessing of the author,Archimandrite Gregorios Stephan, Abbot of the Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Bkeftine, Lebanon.

The council was finally held. It should have been an Ecumenical Council for the Orthodox Church, but the shame of confessing Orthodoxy as the One Catholic Church which holds the fullness of the Faith pushed...

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