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Articles tagged: Lives of the Saints

June 21st, 2021

IMPORTANT! New Lecture from Constantine Zalalas!

IMPORTANT! New lecture from Constantine Zalalas! Topics discussed include: the 1st Ecumenical Synod, papal Protestantism, Ecumenism, and the mad rush for mass inoculations. . .


May 8th, 2021

We are not here, we are up there, with the Saints

- Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra

Where is Christ? Here and everywhere! Above all, Christ, the second person of the Holy Trinity, is seated within the Holy of Holies, at the right hand of the heavenly Father. So don’t think that when we go to church, we are simply entering and exiting an ordinary building. Instead, we go up to, and make our entrance into, the Holy of Holies, into the heavens themselves. As we open the...

March 31st, 2021

Orthodox Ecclesiology - Lesson 7: The Kollyvades Fathers and St. Hilarion (Troitsky)

Archpriest Peter Heers

The Kollyvades Fathers and St. Hilarion (Troitsky)

We now come to one of the most crucial time periods and to perhaps the most important patristic interpretation as to the identity and boundaries of the Body of Christ, especially as it pertains to the present challenge to the Church posed by contemporary, syncretistic ecumenism.

In Lesson 7 we will look at the teachings of the so-called...

March 29th, 2021

Orthodox Ecclesiology - Lesson 6: Ss. Gregory Palamas, Nicholas Cabasilas and Mark of Ephesus

Archpriest Peter Heers

We will narrow our examination at this point in order to properly focus and benefit from those theological and historical signposts which are more relevant and beneficial for us in our time.

To this end we have chosen to focus on the other two great “pillars of Orthodoxy,” besides St. Photios the Great (see Lesson 5), namely, St. Gregory Palamas and St. Mark of Ephesus, before we move on, next...

March 26th, 2021

Orthodox Ecclesiology - Lesson 5: The 8th Oecumenical Council & the Great Schism

Archpriest Peter Heers

The Church in the post-Iconoclast age and pre-schism period, in the Eighth Oecumenical Council under St. Photios the Great and at the end of the first millennium and the eve of the Great Schism and beyond.

The fifth lesson of our 10 week course, "Orthodox Ecclesiology: The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and the Pan-Heresy of Syncretistic Ecumenism" will also look at the 1st-2nd Council...

March 25th, 2021

Orthodox Ecclesiology - Lesson 4: Ss. Maximos & the Damascene, the 6th & 7th Oecumenical Councils

- Archpriest Peter Heers

We will begin the lesson by briefly looking at some aspects of St. Augustine’s stance vis-a-vis the Donatists and also St. Hypatios’ reaction to Nestorius, but we will move on to cover aspects of the readings for week 4: The Church in St. Maximus the Confessor’s theology, the condemnation of Pope Honorius, the Church in St. John of Damascus and the 1st and 95th canons of Trullo, as well as St. Tarasius’...

March 24th, 2021

Orthodox Ecclesiology - Lesson 3: St. Basil the Great, St. Augustine, and the Response to Nestorius

Archpriest Peter Heers

In this third lesson of ten in our course on Orthodox Ecclesiology we will focus on the important canons of St. Basil the Great with regard to ecclesiastical exactitude and economy, with St. Augustine's treatise Against the Donatists On Baptism, and how the Church Fathers countered the heresy of Nestorius, and more.

5:39 General Introduction

9:12 Prayers and Troparion


February 23rd, 2021

Orthodox Ecclesiology - Lesson 2: The Unity of the Church and the Mystery of Baptism

Archpriest Peter Heers

The Unity of the Church and the Mystery of Baptism

This is the second lesson of our 10 week course, "Orthodox Ecclesiology: The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and the Pan-Heresy of Syncretistic Ecumenism".

This is the second lessson of a 10 week course, which also includes - for all patrons - a separate 2 hour Q&A session every Thursday @ 9 PM EST, 6 PM PST. (To become a patron...

February 22nd, 2021

Orthodox Ecclesiology - Lesson 1: What is the Church?

Archpriest Peter Heers


The first lesson of our 10 week course, "Orthodox Ecclesiology: The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and the Pan-Heresy of Syncretistic Ecumenism" is now available.

Recorded on TUE., Feb. 16th @ 9 PM EST

This is the first lessson of a 10 week course, with a separate Q&A every Thursday @ 9 PM EST.

First Lesson will be live-streamed right here on...

November 21st, 2020

“Christ is Bringing a New Crew to Lead His Ship”

- Saint Porphyrios of Kafsokalyvia

Thirty years ago Saint Porphyrios said to Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou:

“You will see, my son, that when you pass your 50th year [the Metropolitan is now 58 years old] that God has a plan to change the ‘crew’ of the ship.”

“I said to him, what do you mean, Geronda, the “crew of the ship”?. . .”

“The ship of Christ is the One, Holy, Catholic and...

June 23rd, 2020

St. Gregory Palamas: A Guide of Orthodoxy vis-a-vis the West and Roman Catholicism (Australia Lectures)

~ By Archpriest Peter Heers, Lecturer in Dogmatic Theology (CTS), Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, NY.

May 29th, 2020

​Orthodoxy’s Third Iconoclastic Period: 2020-20XX?

Nicholas Metrakos

Over one thousand years later, the ugly wolf of iconoclasm is again growling at the gates of the Orthodox Church. The princes of this world, in fear of the loss of their temporary power and misguided by perverse and strange theologies have influenced the shepherds of the flock of Christ to reject the borders of tradition – just as Leo the Isaurian and Constantine the Dung-named pushed...

September 26th, 2019

September 25th: Today’s Saint in the Orthodox Church: Venerable Dosithea, Recluse of the Kiev Caves; Commemoration of the Miracle of the Trisagion

Fr. Peter Heers presents the Life of a Saint celebrated today in the Orthodox Church

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