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Articles tagged: martyria

May 5th, 2020


Archpriest John Klingel

With the outbreak of the Coronavirus we hear calls repeatedly from many priests and hierarchs to practice social distancing, avoid attendance at Liturgy, and rely instead on viewing the live-streaming of liturgical services. Is this good advice?

While temporary absence from liturgical services may be a necessary part of our response to the virus outbreak, the spiritual efficacy of live-streaming...

April 26th, 2020

The Church is a Hospital, a Life-giving Spring

The Orthodox Ethos Podcast

In this episode of The Orthodox Ethos Podcast:

  1. The Church is a Hospital, in which sicknesses are healed
  2. The Story of the Life-Giving Church throughout the Ages
  3. Answers to Your Questions


00:00:37 - Introduction: The Church is a...

March 28th, 2020

Orthodox Church Teaching on Whether There is a Danger of Spreading Disease Through Holy Communion, Kissing the Hand of the Priest, or Our Presence in the Holy Temple of God

Metropolitan of Edessa, Joel

Due to the latest events after the pause of the divine services, caused by the novel virus, we would like to humbly state the position of our Holy Church on whether any diseases can be spread through the Holy Sacraments, or through her sanctifying means, the veneration of the Holy Icons, the kissing of the hands of the priests, or even by simply staying in the sacred temples.


January 23rd, 2020

“A LION OF ORTHODOXY”: THEOLOGIAN, ASCETIC, ANTI-ECUMENIST; In memoriam, Protpresbyter George Metallinos

By Athanasius Zoitakis

Fr. George Metallinos is and will be remembered among those still struggling in this world as a great Churchman, a faithful man, a confessor and expositor of Orthodoxy, an unparalleled expert on Orthodoxy and Greece under the Turkish Yoke, and a spiritual man of great stature, nobility and refinement. I was very blessed to come to know Fr. George in the early 2000s and work besides him drafting several...

November 21st, 2017


Remembrances of Fr. Daniel Sysoev by Archimandrite Melchisedek (Artiukhin)

Today is already eight years form the beginning of the eternal life of our dear brother and sincere pastor Fr. Daniel Sysoev!

A priest once wrote these words in his last book: “The best end, which only a Christian can imagine, is a martyric death.” These words were written by the murdered priest Daniel Sysoev. His...

October 29th, 2017

Why Americans Need An All-English Liturgy

by Robert Arakaki (Reprinted from Journey to Orthodoxy)

A note from the editor of OE:

The following article was brought to my attention today, although it is actually several years old. Although with some minor reservations (for example, I don't recommend the NIV translation of Holy Scripture), I recommend it to the readers of Orthodox Ethos. One of the lines that caught my attention and "propelled" me to re-post the article is the...

March 16th, 2017

How Ss. Hypatius, Cyril of Alexandria and Celestine of Rome Confronted the Heresy of Nestorius

Instructive for all Orthodox Christians today, as they face the heresy of syncretistic ecumenism

The infamous heretic Nestorius occupied the Patriarchal throne of Constantinople from April 428 unto August 431. According the St. Theophanes the Confessor as soon as Nestorius "mounted the throne, his heresy and

his doctrinally distorted mind were straight away revealed." According to this same Saint the "the holy and ecumenical synod (more than 3 years after Nestorius began preaching...

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