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Articles tagged: Orthodox Ethos

July 19th, 2021


OE on Patreon & Crowdcast

Platform Pages:

OE Patreon Page:

OE Crowdcast Page:

Online Courses:

1. An Orthodox Survival Course 2020

2. The Truth of our Faith


May 8th, 2021

We are not here, we are up there, with the Saints

- Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra

Where is Christ? Here and everywhere! Above all, Christ, the second person of the Holy Trinity, is seated within the Holy of Holies, at the right hand of the heavenly Father. So don’t think that when we go to church, we are simply entering and exiting an ordinary building. Instead, we go up to, and make our entrance into, the Holy of Holies, into the heavens themselves. As we open the...

February 2nd, 2021

ORTHODOXY and the OLD WORLD: An Interview w/ Fr. Peter Heers

By John Heers, First Things Foundation

This is a bit dated - done in September - but I don’t think I shared it here with you all then.

John is the founder and director of the First Things Foundation which takes “first world” youngish men (and women) to the “old [developing] world” (usually next to an Orthodox missionary, like Fr. Themi in Sierra Leon) for a few years, where they immerse, learn the language and then connect with locals...

August 11th, 2020

AN ORTHODOX SURVIVAL COURSE: What Participants Are Saying

Lessons 1 & 2 are Complete; Lesson 3 Just Ahead


‪The Mystery of Iniquity and the Apostasy‬

‪Save your spot for our next Lesson, schedule for this Thursday evening (9 PM EST/6 PM PST): ‬


SIGN UP @ Patreon:

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June 5th, 2020

The Suicidal Church, in Body or in Spirit

By Archimandrite Gregorios Estephan, Abbot of Holy Dormition of the Theotokos Monastery, Bkeftine, Lebanon

April 4, 2020

(Translated by: Maher Salloum)

Christ is risen, truly He is risen!

Christ is risen despite all of Satan’s attempts to prevent His Resurrection. Neither pandemics nor all of the evils of this world are able to prevent Christ’s Resurrection. Christ is risen and creation still trembles until this day as it beholds the light of the Resurrection, just as it did 2000...

May 31st, 2020

Letter from An Orthodox Mom

Regarding the Response of the Hierarchy and Clergy to the Coronavirus Crisis

I am an Orthodox mother. I have been Orthodox for the last 30 years and my husband is cradle Orthodox, born and raised in the OCA. We have four children here, and one in Heaven.

In the last three months, I have not heard one bishop, or directive from a bishop, speak about our children. Not one. The ONLY reference to children has been that if they cannot distance themselves properly, they...

May 28th, 2020

On the Holy Temple of God & COVID-19 Infection: Interview with Archimandrite Savas Agioreitis (1/4)

The Orthodox Ethos Podcast

The first part of our four-part discussion with Archimandrite Savas Agioreitis, on the question of whether the Holy Temple and Holy Things can be conduits for infection and sickness.


00:36 - Biographical...

April 26th, 2020

The Church is a Hospital, a Life-giving Spring

The Orthodox Ethos Podcast

In this episode of The Orthodox Ethos Podcast:

  1. The Church is a Hospital, in which sicknesses are healed
  2. The Story of the Life-Giving Church throughout the Ages
  3. Answers to Your Questions


00:00:37 - Introduction: The Church is a...

April 7th, 2020

The Distinguishing Character of Being a Christian

Debut Episode of New Podcast “The Orthodox Ethos”


The Distinguishing Characteristic of Being a Christian

In this Episode and Podcast we explore the distinguishing characteristic of being a true Christian: The Orthodox Ethos. This characteristic is revealed in the spirit and mindset of those illumined and...

April 1st, 2020

New! The Orthodox Ethos Podcast


Join Fr. Peter Heers, Orthodox Christian priest, professor, author, speaker, translator and publisher from his Greek mountain village as he explores and presents the distinguishing characteristic of being a Christian: The Orthodox Ethos.

You will be (re)introduced to Christ, the Incarnate and Diachronic Presence of God, in the lives of those who have been purified, illumined and glorified by Him....

March 28th, 2020

Fearlessness is Acquired with Great Inner Struggle

St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco

“In the slums of Shanghai, there were cases in which dogs would devour baby girls who had been thrown into garbage cans. When the newspapers announced this, Archbishop John told Mrs. Shakhmatova to go and buy two bottles of Chinese vodka-at which she cringed in horror. But her horror increased when he demanded that she accompany him into these very slums, where it was common knowledge that grown-up...

March 28th, 2020

Orthodox Church Teaching on Whether There is a Danger of Spreading Disease Through Holy Communion, Kissing the Hand of the Priest, or Our Presence in the Holy Temple of God

Metropolitan of Edessa, Joel

Due to the latest events after the pause of the divine services, caused by the novel virus, we would like to humbly state the position of our Holy Church on whether any diseases can be spread through the Holy Sacraments, or through her sanctifying means, the veneration of the Holy Icons, the kissing of the hands of the priests, or even by simply staying in the sacred temples.


Orthodox Ethos is a collective effort of nearly a dozen Orthodox Christians, ordained and lay. Our purpose is to present and support the Orthodox truth, way and life, which is Christ Himself.

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© 2024 Orthodox Ethos
We also run Uncut Mountain Press