Naturally, one will love one's own family and the relatives he grew up with, most of all, and secondly, the whole country, the people to which one belongs. One is tied to this people both by state and civil obligations and by culture and customs. One is bound to one's people, to one's own homeland, and one loves them. This love for homeland is that Christian patriotism which cosmopolitanists so strongly...
— This prophecy is now circulating widely in Greek and undoubtedly has been told to many. This was told to me by a spiritual son of the elder a day before the elder’s Funeral Service and Burial. (The spiritual son said that the elder told him this in 2008) Thus, I heard it about 3 months before the difficulties he speaks of began and the coronavirus “crisis” exploded. He...
If you are in Fr. Demetrios Carellas’ email group, you will have noticed a four-part presentation of interviews by Fr. Ioannis Drongitis from October 3rd to October 7th. These reveal, to the English-speaking world, this priest who was not known before but we now hear boldly and “as one having authority” (cf. Matthew 7:29) confessing the truth of the spiritual matters on which many...
Many Orthodox Christians have contacted us seeking resources for exemption from mandatory masks, vaccination, and testing against Covid-19 in various settings (i.e., workforce, school, and military). Below, we have compiled various resources we believe are helpful. Each has its own particular strength; find the documents best suited to your situation. Maybe multiple documents...
Today, at the end of the most tragic Lenten and Paschal season His Bride has ever lived, we celebrate the Apodosis of Pascha and tomorrow Orthodoxy observes His Holy Ascension. Sadly, most Orthodox churches shall remain either closed or with limited (at best)...
Orthodox Ethos is a collective effort of nearly a dozen Orthodox Christians, ordained and lay. Our purpose is to present and support the Orthodox truth, way and life, which is Christ Himself.