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Articles tagged: saints

July 30th, 2021

What the Saints Have to Say about the V*ccίnε and Μ@sκs

By: Fr. Damaskinos of Grigoriou (Mt. Athos)

"Father Damaskinos of the Grigoriou Monastery, Mount Athos said the following in Cahul, Moldova on the 11th of July 2021 alongside Bishop Benjamin Goreanu:

“The Holy Fathers told us not to take the ναccίnε. The ναccίnε brings death after a short time.

Saint Nektarios, who is related to a woman, in Athens, Mrs. Julia, who is 85 years old, she is in a sickbed and Saint...

July 28th, 2021

COMPLETE LECTURE SERIES LINKS! Russia's New Martyrs & The Catacomb Church: A Type of the End Times

Today in Russia tomorrow in America.

June 29th, 2021

A Narrative on the Manifold Judgments of God

By: St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite of Mount Athos

"A certain Abba of the monastics, with great boldness and tears, asked God that He reveal to him some of His judgments on men: judgments which they do not recognize, but mistake for extraordinary events. For a long time God did not show him anything (for men can never fully know and understand the mysteries of God), but the ascetic did not cease from that prayer day and night. One day, God, wishing to...

Tagged In: eschatology, saints

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