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April 4th, 2022

How God makes Contagious Objects Harmless

By: St. John of Kronstadt

The following divinely-inspired words of wisdom from St. John of Kronstadt bear witness to the devout stance of pious and God-loving Christians who have remained steadfast in defending the Holy Things that have been slandered by the ecclesiastical rationalists of our day for the past two years. As we see from these teachings, it would be utterly inconceivable in the mind of St. John to imagine the...

March 31st, 2022

Archbishop Sotirios – A Torrent of Blasphemy and Lack of Faith

By: Parishioners of the Greek Archdiocese in Canada

A response to his blasphemous speech during the Sunday of Orthodoxy

We just celebrated the First Sunday of Lent celebrating Orthodoxy, the great festival of our Church. It celebrates the one who gave birth to all the saints and martyrs, the “one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church”. It celebrates her glorious victory against the heresy of iconoclasm.


March 29th, 2022

Patriotism & War - Metropolitan Philaret of New York

Excerpt from "On the Law of God"

Naturally, one will love one's own family and the relatives he grew up with, most of all, and secondly, the whole country, the people to which one belongs. One is tied to this people both by state and civil obligations and by culture and customs. One is bound to one's people, to one's own homeland, and one loves them. This love for homeland is that Christian patriotism which cosmopolitanists so strongly...

March 28th, 2022

Τι μου έκανε εντύπωση στον Γέροντα Εφραίμ Αριζόνας - π. Πέτρος Χιρς

Translation: What Made An Impression On Me In Elder Ephraim of Arizona - Fr. Peter Heers

Μου έκανε εντύπωση πως μιλούσε, πως προσευχόταν... Η αγιότητα του φαινόταν στην κάθε κίνηση του.

Είδα έναν άνθρωπο που είχε κυριέψει τα πάθη του, έναν άνθρωπο ελεύθερο εν Χριστώ.

Ένας άνθρωπος που ήταν μέσα στην χαρά της Αναστάσεως, μέσα στην αιώνια Αγάπη του Θεού. π.

Πέτρος Χιρς για τον Μακαριστό Γέροντα Εφραίμ Αριζόνας

Video in Greek, no English...

March 17th, 2022

Development of Ecumenism leading up to COVID

-- Interview with Jay Dyer

From the Editor: Below is the transcript of an interview Jay Dyer hosted with Fr. Peter [original video here]. It took place in 2019, before COVID began, but is all the more relevant today. Notice at the end, the concern Fr. Peter has for the talks, at the time, that were occurring which anticipated an upcoming ecumenical...

March 5th, 2022

Homily on the Sunday of Forgiveness

by St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow

Today is called “Forgiveness Sunday.” It received this name from the pious Orthodox Christian custom at Vespers of asking each other’s forgiveness for discourtesy and disrespect. We do so, since in the forthcoming fast we will approach the sacrament of Penance and ask the Lord to forgive our sins, which forgiveness will be granted us only if we ourselves forgive each other. “If ye forgive men their...

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