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Articles tagged: sin

August 4th, 2022

The Memory of Death Should Flourish in the Soul of a Christian

by Elder Ephraim of Philotheou and Arizona

Elder Ephraim says,

Oh, how much the memory of death should flourish in the soul of the Christian! Since he believes in the real truth, it is impossible for him to ignore death.

After my Elder's heart condition had passed, he wept and recited a line from the funeral service: "Alas, what a struggle the soul has as it parts from the body!" Indeed, this is the truth! How beautifully the...

March 29th, 2022

Patriotism & War - Metropolitan Philaret of New York

Excerpt from "On the Law of God"

Naturally, one will love one's own family and the relatives he grew up with, most of all, and secondly, the whole country, the people to which one belongs. One is tied to this people both by state and civil obligations and by culture and customs. One is bound to one's people, to one's own homeland, and one loves them. This love for homeland is that Christian patriotism which cosmopolitanists so strongly...

December 29th, 2021

The Spiritual Reality Concerning the Vaccine

-- From the Editor

I. Introduction

II. Two Truths

A. God Inspires Doctors in Their Practice of Medicine

B. Contemporary Science is from the Occult Tradition

III. Samples from our Sacred Tradition

A. From the Lives of...

October 27th, 2021

Weep! by I. M. Andreyev

A True Story of Evil in NYC & The Christian Social Ethic

There once appeared in one of New York City’s newspapers a small article entitled “Child-killer.” This article stated that in a little hotel on West 84th Street there occurred a frightening event, a horrible crime—a mother beat to death her two-year old son. The brief details recounted in the article only magnify the horror of this cruel act. And what were the details? This time, even the...

October 26th, 2021

Fr. Ioannis Drongitis on Covidism

Interview in Four Parts

If you are in Fr. Demetrios Carellas’ email group, you will have noticed a four-part presentation of interviews by Fr. Ioannis Drongitis from October 3rd to October 7th. These reveal, to the English-speaking world, this priest who was not known before but we now hear boldly and “as one having authority” (cf. Matthew 7:29) confessing the truth of the spiritual matters on which many...

July 7th, 2021

Elder Philotheos Zervakos - Our Exceedingly Corrupt Age and Our Infinitely Compassionate God

"The impiety, corruption, senselessness and lack of conscience of people...has reached a high point."

"The impiety, corruption, senselessness and lack of conscience of people, both lay-people and clergymen, men and women, rich and poor, generals and soldiers, the rulers and the ruled over has reached a high point and is speedily progressing in leaps and bounds till it reaches the greatest precipice.

What is countering this pitiful progression of spiritual impiety? It is: the infinite compassion...

July 7th, 2021

Elder Philotheos Zervakos - Pastoral Care for Married Couples & The Evil of Abortion

"If they have faith in God, even if they obtain 20 or 50 children - God, Who gives and nourishes the birds of the sky, will provide for them!"

"Because I saw that it was necessary for me to answer you, I write you the following: Tell the couple about which you wrote, where the husband does not want children whereas the wife wants them, that God's will must be done and not the devil's. God allowed marriage for the birth of children and blessed it. Whereas the man-killing devil, when he is not able to murder, puts brother against brother and...

July 1st, 2021

St. Peter Zverev's Sermon on the 1910 Cholera Pandemic

"But this is our grief – we have invented all the wrong means by which we think to be saved from this terrible sickness that has mercy on no one." - St. Peter Zverev

“There are still reports being received from various places that infectious disease is spreading across our country, and that it is carrying away to the grave many thousands of people. It is not surprising that in the face of this frightful phenomenon people are brought to anxiety and are striving to think of any means whereby they may avoid the impending thunderstorm. But this is our grief –...

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