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Articles tagged: Ecumenism

December 9th, 2016

Blessed Father Seraphim: The Orthodox Must Avoid Fanaticism and Sectarianism and Stay United in the Face of the "Council"

Prophetic and Wise Words Which are So Very Relevant to Today's Church

Blessed Father Seraphim Rose has bequeathed much to the Church, not least of all his tireless witness to the royal path of the Fathers in the face of the general apostasy of our age and the particular heresy of our day, syncretistic ecumenism. In the following excerpt, from a letter her wrote on the feast of the translation of the relics of St. John Chrysostom, Jan 27/Feb. 9, 1977, Fr. Seraphim...

December 9th, 2016

Μακαριστός πατήρ Σεραφείμ Ρόουζ: Οι Ορθόδοξοι πρέπει ν’ αποφύγουν τον φανατισμό και σεκταρισμό και να παραμείνουν ενωμένοι εν όψει της ‘Συνόδου’

Προφητικά και σοφά λόγια, μεγάλης συνάφειας με τα δρώμενα στην Εκκλησία, σήμερα

Ο μακαριστός πατήρ Σεραφείμ Ρόουζ έχει κληροδοτήσει πολλά στην Εκκλησία και όχι λιγότερο σημαντική, μεταξύ αυτών, είναι η άοκνη μαρτυρία του της βασιλικής οδού των Πατέρων, ιδίως εν όψει της μεγάλης αποστασίας της εποχής μας και της επίμαχης αιρέσεως των ημερών μας, του συγκρητιστικού οικουμενισμού.

Στο παρακάτω απόσπασμα, από μία επιστολή την οποία έγραψε ο ίδιος ο π. Σεραφείμ κατά την εορτή της...

December 1st, 2016

Saint Paisios the Athonite on the Pan-Orthodox Council and Discernment

The Elder Warned that Holy Tradition would be Rejected and Replaced by Innovation

"At that time the Pre-Conciliar Conferences began in order to prepare a new Pan-Orthodox Synod, and among the issues discussed there were many proposals contrary to Orthodox tradition. When the Elder learned of them he was very worried and spoke with a pain of soul: "Do you understand what will happen?," he would ask. "Tradition will leave and all that will remain is the offense (evil-doing). [Θὰ φύγη ἡ...

Tagged In: Council, Ecumenism, tradition
November 29th, 2016

The Final Decision of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on the Council in Crete

"The Council in Crete is neither Great, nor Holy, nor Pan-Orthodox"

(The following is a summary of the Decision based upon an automatic translation and separate summary, and not the final and official translation. We expect a full English translation soon.)

The Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church has issued its final decision on the Council in Crete and the text "Relations of the Orthodox Church with rest of the Christian world." In a...

November 24th, 2016

EXCLUSIVE: The 1998 Synodical Decision of the Orthodox Church of Georgia on the Chambessy and Balamand Agreements, Branch Theory and more

A Milestone and Major Precedent for the Struggle for Orthodox Ecclesiology now Translated into English


Among the milestones of contemporary Orthodox ecclesiastical history with regard to the Church's struggle to maintain "the faith once delivered" and Her belief in the "one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church," the 1998 Synodical Decision of the Apostolic Orthodox Church of Georgia is of especial importance. Echoing the earlier

November 19th, 2016

Η Πανορθόδοξη Συνεργασία θα ανθίσει όταν ξεπεραστεί η βαθύτερη αιτία των διαιρέσεων.

Συνέντευξη με τον Πρωτοπρεσβύτερο Πέτρο Χιρς, από τον Sergei Chapnin για το περιοδικό "Λοδκα" (Μόσχα)

1) Πώς αξιολογείτε, σε γενικές γραμμές, τα αποτελέσματα της ‘Πανορθόδοξης Συνόδου’; Ανταποκρίνονται στις προσδοκίες σας;

Δυστυχώς, η αποτυχία αυτής της Συνόδου προκαθορίστηκε από την αντι-συνοδική, ανορθόδοξη μεθοδολογία, η οποία ακολουθήθηκε πριν από τη Σύνοδο και εφαρμόστηκε στη διάρκειά της. Δεν...

November 14th, 2016

The “Council” of Crete: The Chronicle of a Premeditated Deviation

By Archimandrite Athanasios Anastasiou, Proigoumenos of the Holy Monastery of the Great Meteora

Editor's Note:

This is by far the most complete historical account and spiritual analysis of the "Council" of Crete to date, giving the reader both an overview and inside look at the events leading up and occurring at the "Council", with emphasis on the Church of Greece's involvement. The following translation into English makes this important analysis available to...

September 12th, 2016

Scans of the Final, Signed Documents from the Cretan Council Available On-line

Copy of the "Relations" Text Reveals that many Hierarchs did not sign the document

The final versions of the texts produced at the Council in Crete have been made available on-line over at the website. The text "Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World" will be of particular interest to many, for it shows that even more hierarchs than previously thought refused to sign the document. Out of 162 Hierarchs present, a total of 33 Hierarchs, or 1 in 5 (20%), did not sign the document, including 5 from the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Of all of the Local Churches represented, the Patriarchate of Serbia stands out with 17 of the 24 hierarchs withholding their signature. With only 7 or about 30% in agreement with document, on what basis did the Patriarch of Serbia add his signature to the document? Given that the Primate's signature was supposed to express the consensus or at least the majority of his Church, is this not a glaring example of the absence of concilarity and the reign of a "papal" mentality? Where is the much vaunted concilarity for which the Cretan Council was called and incessantly hailed in official propaganda put forward by the Council's spokesmen?

Furthermore, when, in the history of the Church and General Orthodox Councils, was a document passed with such a large minority diagreeing and there being no break in communion or anathematizing by the majority? In other words, when did the Church ever allow for a differing stance on matters of Faith? To those who would say the text in question does not set forth doctrine or attempt to define dogma, the response is that the text is chalk full of dogmatic teaching concerning the Church, which is an object of faith in which we confess we believe. As Christ is inseparable from His Body, the Church, so too is Christology inseparable from Ecclesiology. What we believe about the Church directly reflects our faith in Christ. Hence, there can be no doubt that the Faith of the Church in Christ is at stake in the "Relations" text and there can be no compromises in matters of Faith.

The time for all bishops, and, indeed, all Orthodox Christians, and especially clergy, to take a stand and confess the Orthodox Faith in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church over and against the new heretical ecclesiology of ecumenism, clearly expressed by the "Relations" text, has come. May many more join the 33 who did not sign the unorthodox document and may they all together clearly and forthrightly set forth the Orthodox teaching on the oneness and holiness of the Church to their flock and the entire Church

Readers can find the English version here, and the Greek version here.

For your convenience, we have listed those who did NOT sign the text below, in order of their appearance in the text:

From the Ecumenical Patriarchate:

1. Isaiah of Denver

2. Nicholas of Detroit

3. Amphilochios of Adrianopolis

4. Antonios of Hierapolis, Head of the Ukrainian Orthodox in the USA

5. Gregory of Nyssa, Head of the Carpatho-Russian Orthodox in the USA

From the Patriarchate of Alexandria

6. Jonah of Kampala

7. Seraphim of Zimbabwe and Angola

From the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

8. Benedict of Philadelphia

9. Theophylaktos of Jordan

From the Patriarchate of Serbia

10. Amphilochios of Montenegro and the Littoral

11. Porfirije of Zagreb and Ljubljana

12. Vasilije of Sirmium

13. Lucian of Budim

14. Longin of Nova Gracanica

15. Irinej of Backa

16. Hrizostom of Zvornik and Tuzla

17. Justin of Zicha

18. Pahomije of Vranje

19. Jovan of Sumadija

20. Fotije of Dalmatia

21. Hrizostom of Bihac and Petrovac

22. Joanikije of Niksic and Budimlje

23. Milutin of Valjevo

24. David of Krusevac

25. Jovan of Slavonija

26. Ilarion of Timok

From the Church of Cyprus

27. Athanasios of Limassol

28. Neophytos of Morphou

29. Nicholas of Amathus

30. Epiphanios of Ledra

From the Church of Greece

31. Chrysostomos of Peristerion

32. Hierotheos of Nafpaktos and Aghios Vlasios

33. Anthimos of Alexandroupolis

Tagged In: Council, Ecumenism
July 1st, 2016

Why I did not sign the text “Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World”

By Metropolitan Hiefrotheos of Nafpatkos and Agios Vlasios

Various comments have been published related to the stance I took regarding the text of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church with the title: “Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World.” Some write that I didn’t sign it, others that I did but with reservations, and others that I did.

With this statement of mine, I confirm that in actuality...

Tagged In: Council, Ecumenism
June 24th, 2016

Strong (2nd) Rebuttal of the Secretariat of the Council in Crete by the Patriarchate of Antioch

By Metropolitan Siluoan of Great Britain (Patriarchate of Antioch) |

The news agency has published the response of the Metropolitan of Great Britain, Siluoan, of the Patriarchate of Antioch, to the official spokesmen of the Council in Crete. (See below for Greek text)

"The press representatives of the Synod of Churches in Crete insist on distorting the truth concerning the position of the Patriarchate of Antioch with respect of the Council," the...

Tagged In: Council, Ecumenism
May 21st, 2016

​On the "Red Line" Which Must Not be Crossed...and the Pan Orthodox Council.

The Common Cup or Recognition of Common Baptism?

On the "red line" which must not be crossed and the state of apostasy...and the Pan Orthodox Council....

Some insist that, no matter how bad things are, contemporary ecumenists - and they have in mind mainly the Hierarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate (but not only) - "are not ready to compromise the Orthodox Faith enough to achieve union with Rome."

But, is that the "red line" which...

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