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Articles tagged: spiritual-life

March 19th, 2018

Journey to Life: Baptized into Christ in the Orthodox Church

The Miraculous Journey from Lutheranism, through eastern religions, to Orthodoxy

The miraculous journey from Lutheranism, through eastern religions, to the Orthodox Church.

This story has so much to teach us all – but especially Orthodox bishops and priests. In this video one sees the marvelous response of God to one man’s determined and pained search for spiritual health and healing and his simple and humble acceptance of the providence of God.

Seraphim was born,...

November 21st, 2017


Remembrances of Fr. Daniel Sysoev by Archimandrite Melchisedek (Artiukhin)

Today is already eight years form the beginning of the eternal life of our dear brother and sincere pastor Fr. Daniel Sysoev!

A priest once wrote these words in his last book: “The best end, which only a Christian can imagine, is a martyric death.” These words were written by the murdered priest Daniel Sysoev. His...

October 16th, 2017

Homily: "Every Christian is a Forerunner and Prophet of Christ"

By Fr. Peter Heers, Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville NY, June 24/July 7, 2017

Everyone that preaches true faith and good works, what does he do but prepare the way of the Lord so that he may come into the hearts of his hearers, and may make straight the path for God, forming right dispositions within them by the words of his exhortation?


October 4th, 2017

God Forbid that We Boast in Anything but the Cross of Christ

Homily on the Sunday before the Elevation of the Holy Cross by Protopresbyter Peter Heers

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

The Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross, brothers and sisters, and the Church presents before us the Holy Cross in preparation - and then with the Sunday after the feast, in thanksgiving - for the great feast.

We, with Paul, throughout all the generations, boast of the Cross, and only in...

June 7th, 2016

A Conversation With Elder Ephraim of Arizona

-- Elder, after so many years of struggle, what has remained within your soul?

Elder Ephraim: Everything is secondary, all is secondary. The first thing is the name of our Christ and now, over the years that have passed, I saw in action how only with love can people win. My life was labour and pain, living in poverty during the time of the Germans, hunger during the occupation, temptations and sorrow in the monasteries. A great struggle. Only the name of Christ and our Panagia brought me through. Whoever dose not say daily the name of Christ and our Panagia, is not a Christian.

Tagged In: spiritual-life

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