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Articles tagged: spiritual-life

January 23rd, 2020

“A LION OF ORTHODOXY”: THEOLOGIAN, ASCETIC, ANTI-ECUMENIST; In memoriam, Protpresbyter George Metallinos

By Athanasius Zoitakis

Fr. George Metallinos is and will be remembered among those still struggling in this world as a great Churchman, a faithful man, a confessor and expositor of Orthodoxy, an unparalleled expert on Orthodoxy and Greece under the Turkish Yoke, and a spiritual man of great stature, nobility and refinement. I was very blessed to come to know Fr. George in the early 2000s and work besides him drafting several...

December 21st, 2019

Christmas Night

A homily by Fr. Athanasius Mitilinaios, delivered on Christmas Day in the year 2000.

When God the Word was creating the universe, my dearly beloved, he designated a moment in time when He Himself would visibly visit it. This great visit is the Incarnation of God the Word. His presence on Earth rendered it the center of the created, visible world. The Incarnation is the greatest event in the visible and invisible created world, before which even the angels were...

September 9th, 2019

Prof Dimitrios Tselengidis’ Letter to the Holy Synod of Greece

Dimitrios Tselengidis is professor of dogmatic theology at the University of Thessaloniki

SUBJECT: Regarding the institutional legitimization of the schismatic Church of Ukraine

Most Blessed Primate,

Reverend Holy Hierarchs,

With regard to the upcoming convocation of the Holy Synod of Hierarchs, as the least member of our local Church, but also as professor of the Church’s Dogmatic Theology, I...

March 31st, 2019

Becoming One With Christ: The Spiritual Presuppositions of Participation in the Mysteries

A Lecture By Archpriest Peter Heers

Saint Alexis the Man of God Orthodox Church

Alexandria, Sydney, Australia

Saturday, March 30 (17), 2019


St. Symeon the New Theologian on the Presuppositions to Participation in the Holy...

March 28th, 2019

PHOTO REPORT: Lecture Delivered to the Clergy Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and New Zealand

Lecture Entitled: “The Church and Secularism: Standing Before the Spirit of Antichrist”



I am presently in Australia delivering lectures to the faithful of the Serbian Orthodox Archdiocese at the invitation and with...

June 27th, 2018

Jean-Claude Larchet calls for abstinence from social media during fasting periods

Prof. Jean-Claude Larchet

During the first day of the International Conference on Digital Media and Orthodox Pastoral Care in Crete (DMOPC18), the renowned theologian Jean-Claude Larchet said that during the fast seasons Christians ought to reduce their activity on social platforms.

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Petition to all local Churches to include the abstinence from the use of the...

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