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July 28th, 2021

COMPLETE LECTURE SERIES LINKS! Russia's New Martyrs & The Catacomb Church: A Type of the End Times

Today in Russia tomorrow in America.

July 26th, 2021

The Weakened Faith of our Generation....

Talk by Metropolitan of Morphou, Neophytos; given at Saint Cyprian and Justina Church in Meniko, Cyprus (2.12.2020)

Metropolitan Neophytos: “Now I speak to you at another level not at a spiritual level. At a scientific level, at a human level. My study, the reading I have made in scientific websites, the scientists that I trust, pay attention to this word, who have God in them, the doctors who have God in them, the...

July 22nd, 2021

Met. Panteleimon of Antinoes responds to Ab. Elpidophoros' Perennialism

"Only within the Orthodox Church man can find the Path which leads to the top of the mountain, which is God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit..."

"Recently the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of America, Elpidoforos, published on Facebook a statement [*] which says:

"They are many paths which lead to the top of the mountain, and those who ignore this fact are ignorant"!

His Eminence attempts to spread Ecumenism, which is the mingling and mixing of all religions into one.

With respect to His Eminence, I would like to strongly...

July 21st, 2021

Bishops: Do not persecute the Priests for preserving Orthodox traditions!

By Metropolitan Ambrosios of Kalavryta

His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosios is the former Metropolitan of the Metropolis of Kalavryta and Aigialeia in northern Greece. What follows is a translation of his open letter, posted (in Greek) on Aktines on June 22, 2021."

"Your Beatitude,

Holy Fathers,
Brethren in Christ,

The Body of...

July 21st, 2021

The Spirit of Antichrist and the Forerunners of Antichrist

Archbishop Averky of Jordanville

From the second chapter of St. Paul's Second Epistle to the Thessalonians it is clear that the teaching about the Antichrist enters into the content of the earliest apostolic evangelization. After giving a description of the Antichrist in the third and fourth verses of that chapter, the holy Apostle writes further to the Thessalonians. "Do you not remember that when I was still with you, I told you...

July 21st, 2021

A Courageous Example in Troubled Times: Hieromartyr Vladimir of Kiev's response to the 1890 Cholera Epidemic

The saint had more services offered and he himself traveled to severely afflicted areas...

Original post by Fr. Zechariah Lynch:

In this post I am sharing with you, the reader, two important examples from the life of the New Hiero-martyr Vladimir of Kiev. The accounts are take from his recorded life in “Holy New-Martyrs of Southern Russian” by Vladimir Moss.

The first is an account of how the Saint conducted himself during the time of a cholera epidemic in Russia....

July 19th, 2021


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1. An Orthodox Survival Course 2020

2. The Truth of our Faith


July 19th, 2021

Understanding the Important Distinction between Church-Organism vs. Church-Organization

from St. Mikhail Novoselov

One should distinguish between the Church-Organism and the Church-organization. Only to the Church-Organism are some names for the Church applicable, which we find in the Holy Scripture; for example: “glorious, holy, blameless” (Eph. 1: 4), “without spot or blemish” (Eph. 5:27), “Lamb’s wife” (Rev. 19: 7, 21:9), “body of Christ” (Eph.1: 23; Col.:18), “pillar and the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15) and many others....

July 14th, 2021

A Letter to an Abbess Concerning the Vaccines (English Translation)

By Elder Efthymios of Kapsala, Mt. Athos

Too long has our people been plagued with this painful coronavirus affair. Let them at last leave every one free to act according to his judgement, without pressure.

Elder Efthymios of the Cell of the Resurrection in Kapsala on Mt. Athos, a disciple of Saint Paisios of Mt. Athos, more than a year after his first letter, now writes a second letter concerning mandatory vaccination in response to questions from an abbess (dated 20 June 2021).


July 14th, 2021

VALUABLE LIFE LESSONS from Blessed Elder Athanasius of Grigoriou in a Time of Delusion and Apostasy

Emulate the Saints to Attain their Same End: Perfection and Holiness


The Saints were men and women who exemplify the perfection of the Christian life through holiness and virtue we should strive to emulate. In what follows from the life of the Blessed and clairvoyant Geronda Athansius of Gregoriou Monastery (Mt. Athos), we find three valuable life lessons we need to hear and implement during these days in which...

1) The Locust Swarm vs The Saints

“In the village of Voultisa, which is in the coastal area of Pieria east of Veria, Grigoriou Monastery had a metochion which it had bought in 18557 from a certain Turkish bey. One time the steward, very upset, sought for help from the Monastery. He requested that they send him a devout priest and holy...

July 13th, 2021

Abbot Parthenios of St. Paul's Monastery (Mt. Athos) Warns Against C0v!d V@x and Emphasizes Prayer and Trust in God

"Speaking at trapeza on the great feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, Elder Parthenius, the abbot of St. Paul’s Monastery on Mt. Athos, spoke about a prayer against the coronavirus that he reads at the end of his prayer rule.

In the same talk, he also addressed the issue of coronavirus vaccines, which he advises against receiving.

Video of his talk was published by the

July 13th, 2021

Geronda Philotheus of Karakallou Monastery (Mt. Athos) Speaks Out Against C0v!d and V@x

"I see that behind the back of all these events stands the devil, acting as their participant and secret mastermind."

(The following more accurate and updated translation has been provided by Fr. Zachariah Lynch):

"The Igumen of Karakallou monastery on Mt. Athos, Archimandrite Philotheus, shared some of his thoughts about the corona-virus:

“We have a very clear inner sense, that this pandemic has come about not by random chance but has been intentionally created. And then the...

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