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July 12th, 2021

St. Paisios the Athonite on Ecumenism, Common Prayer with the Heterodox, and the Erroneous Ecumenist Phronema concerning the Monophysites

Introductory remarks:

Certain Orthodox Christian clergy and laymen infected with the demonically-influenced super heresy of Ecumenism [1] attempt to discredit and slander the Holy Fathers by saying the Monophysites (non-Chalcedonians) had taught the exact Christology the Orthodox Christians taught at the Fourth Ecumenical Council. Consequently, such...

July 7th, 2021

Elder Philotheos Zervakos - Our Exceedingly Corrupt Age and Our Infinitely Compassionate God

"The impiety, corruption, senselessness and lack of conscience of people...has reached a high point."

"The impiety, corruption, senselessness and lack of conscience of people, both lay-people and clergymen, men and women, rich and poor, generals and soldiers, the rulers and the ruled over has reached a high point and is speedily progressing in leaps and bounds till it reaches the greatest precipice.

What is countering this pitiful progression of spiritual impiety? It is: the infinite compassion...

July 7th, 2021

Elder Philotheos Zervakos - Pastoral Care for Married Couples & The Evil of Abortion

"If they have faith in God, even if they obtain 20 or 50 children - God, Who gives and nourishes the birds of the sky, will provide for them!"

"Because I saw that it was necessary for me to answer you, I write you the following: Tell the couple about which you wrote, where the husband does not want children whereas the wife wants them, that God's will must be done and not the devil's. God allowed marriage for the birth of children and blessed it. Whereas the man-killing devil, when he is not able to murder, puts brother against brother and...

July 5th, 2021

Proper Orthodox Priestly Attire and Appearance According to the Saints

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain..." (Prov. 31:30). "Do not be conformed to this world..." (Rom.12:2).

(The following is a conversation between St. Iakavos of Evia and his spiritual child[ren]):

St. Iakavos: "“When we put on the cassock, we begin with the goal of sanctifying our soul. Care is necessary, however. For love of the world’s honor and glory, our egotism can make us lose our soul, rather than sanctify it... Priests shouldn’t cut their hair....

"The priest's cassock is the flag of the Church of our Christ: for this reason we must try hard to honor it, we who wear it, with a holy life, so that those who don't wear it will honor and respect it." - St. Amphilochios of Patmos

Source: H. Middleton, Precious Vessels of the Holy Spirit: The Lives and Counsels of Contemporary Elders of...

July 1st, 2021

St. Photios the Great Against the Augustinian Doctrine of Original Sin

"Theodore of Mopsuestia (ca. 350-428) wrote a book titled Against the Defenders of Original Sin which Saint Photios the Great read and reviewed in his Bibliotheca (177). It is often said that Theodore was the only eastern bishop who not only spoke about but also against Original Sin as formulated in the West, but with this review we see that Saint Photios does as well. The chief defender of the doctrine...

July 1st, 2021

St. Ieronymos of Simonopetra and the Bombs during Divine Liturgy

"He was told to close the church for security reasons. He did not accept. He wanted to stay true to his duty."

“"Father, do not officiate tomorrow. It is very dangerous!"

"Silence, silence!"

"Elder, please! The situation has worsened. Every day bombs fall around us. We are afraid to leave the house. We are worried about you too."

Unperturbed, Fr. Ieronymos listened to the people who in the last few days arrived anxiously at the Simonopetra Metochi of the Ascension in Byron, Attica. They...

July 1st, 2021

St. Peter Zverev's Sermon on the 1910 Cholera Pandemic

"But this is our grief – we have invented all the wrong means by which we think to be saved from this terrible sickness that has mercy on no one." - St. Peter Zverev

“There are still reports being received from various places that infectious disease is spreading across our country, and that it is carrying away to the grave many thousands of people. It is not surprising that in the face of this frightful phenomenon people are brought to anxiety and are striving to think of any means whereby they may avoid the impending thunderstorm. But this is our grief –...

June 30th, 2021

A MUST READ! St. Paisios of Mt. Athos on the Blasphemous Treatment of Holy Things, God's Wrath, and Trusting God

"Even if one has some phobia about getting sick, Christ will help if one makes the sign of the Cross with faith." - St. Paisios

“Her priests have violated My law and profaned My holy things; they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they have hidden their eyes from My Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them.” - Ezekiel...

June 29th, 2021

A Narrative on the Manifold Judgments of God

By: St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite of Mount Athos

"A certain Abba of the monastics, with great boldness and tears, asked God that He reveal to him some of His judgments on men: judgments which they do not recognize, but mistake for extraordinary events. For a long time God did not show him anything (for men can never fully know and understand the mysteries of God), but the ascetic did not cease from that prayer day and night. One day, God, wishing to...

Tagged In: eschatology, saints
May 26th, 2021

NEW ONLINE COURSE: Russia’s New Martyrs and The Catacomb Church: A Type of the End Times

By Archpriest Peter Heers

Spring-Summer Course 2: May 25 - July 27, 2021


YouTube link for first lesson:


May 8th, 2021

We are not here, we are up there, with the Saints

- Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra

Where is Christ? Here and everywhere! Above all, Christ, the second person of the Holy Trinity, is seated within the Holy of Holies, at the right hand of the heavenly Father. So don’t think that when we go to church, we are simply entering and exiting an ordinary building. Instead, we go up to, and make our entrance into, the Holy of Holies, into the heavens themselves. As we open the...

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