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Articles tagged: Non-Chalcedonians

September 16th, 2021

St. Euphemia the Great Martyr and the Heresy of Monophysitism

Commemorated on September 16

In the third century of Christianity, when pagan rulers were putting Christians both young and old to torture and death for not bowing down to idols, there lived a young girl who was raised a Christian and who had true and steadfast faith. Hidden and praying to the True God in a house church with forty-eight other Christians, while pagans worshipped demons, was the maiden

July 28th, 2021

The Revelation of the Theotokos: the Monophysites are not Orthodox!

From "The Spiritual Meadow" of St. John Moschos, followed by the insights of Patriarch Theodore Balsamon

From the "Spiritual Meadow" of St. John Moschos, followed by the insights of Patriarch Theodore Balsamon.


July 12th, 2021

St. Paisios the Athonite on Ecumenism, Common Prayer with the Heterodox, and the Erroneous Ecumenist Phronema concerning the Monophysites

Introductory remarks:

Certain Orthodox Christian clergy and laymen infected with the demonically-influenced super heresy of Ecumenism [1] attempt to discredit and slander the Holy Fathers by saying the Monophysites (non-Chalcedonians) had taught the exact Christology the Orthodox Christians taught at the Fourth Ecumenical Council. Consequently, such...

March 30th, 2019

LECTURE: Chalcedon and the Boundaries of the Church An Examination of the Ecclesiology of the Promoters of Union with the Monophysites/Non-Chalcedonians (EXCERPT)

By Archpriest Peter Heers

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church

Melbourne, Australia

Friday, March 29 (16), 2019


“Chalcedon and it’s decisions are as much about the Person of Christ as the Body of Christ. In its Oros (lit. Boundary-decision) the Council set down the boundaries inside of which one is IN Christ, outside of which one stands apart from Christ, from communion in Him....

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