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Articles tagged: Coronavirus

July 21st, 2021

Bishops: Do not persecute the Priests for preserving Orthodox traditions!

By Metropolitan Ambrosios of Kalavryta

His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosios is the former Metropolitan of the Metropolis of Kalavryta and Aigialeia in northern Greece. What follows is a translation of his open letter, posted (in Greek) on Aktines on June 22, 2021."

"Your Beatitude,

Holy Fathers,
Brethren in Christ,

The Body of...

July 14th, 2021

A Letter to an Abbess Concerning the Vaccines (English Translation)

By Elder Efthymios of Kapsala, Mt. Athos

Too long has our people been plagued with this painful coronavirus affair. Let them at last leave every one free to act according to his judgement, without pressure.

Elder Efthymios of the Cell of the Resurrection in Kapsala on Mt. Athos, a disciple of Saint Paisios of Mt. Athos, more than a year after his first letter, now writes a second letter concerning mandatory vaccination in response to questions from an abbess (dated 20 June 2021).


July 13th, 2021

Abbot Parthenios of St. Paul's Monastery (Mt. Athos) Warns Against C0v!d V@x and Emphasizes Prayer and Trust in God

"Speaking at trapeza on the great feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, Elder Parthenius, the abbot of St. Paul’s Monastery on Mt. Athos, spoke about a prayer against the coronavirus that he reads at the end of his prayer rule.

In the same talk, he also addressed the issue of coronavirus vaccines, which he advises against receiving.

Video of his talk was published by the

July 13th, 2021

Geronda Philotheus of Karakallou Monastery (Mt. Athos) Speaks Out Against C0v!d and V@x

"I see that behind the back of all these events stands the devil, acting as their participant and secret mastermind."

(The following more accurate and updated translation has been provided by Fr. Zachariah Lynch):

"The Igumen of Karakallou monastery on Mt. Athos, Archimandrite Philotheus, shared some of his thoughts about the corona-virus:

“We have a very clear inner sense, that this pandemic has come about not by random chance but has been intentionally created. And then the...

July 1st, 2021

St. Peter Zverev's Sermon on the 1910 Cholera Pandemic

"But this is our grief – we have invented all the wrong means by which we think to be saved from this terrible sickness that has mercy on no one." - St. Peter Zverev

“There are still reports being received from various places that infectious disease is spreading across our country, and that it is carrying away to the grave many thousands of people. It is not surprising that in the face of this frightful phenomenon people are brought to anxiety and are striving to think of any means whereby they may avoid the impending thunderstorm. But this is our grief –...

June 30th, 2021

A MUST READ! St. Paisios of Mt. Athos on the Blasphemous Treatment of Holy Things, God's Wrath, and Trusting God

"Even if one has some phobia about getting sick, Christ will help if one makes the sign of the Cross with faith." - St. Paisios

“Her priests have violated My law and profaned My holy things; they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they have hidden their eyes from My Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them.” - Ezekiel...

December 18th, 2020

“We will have Modified People...” (Part 1) - A Call to Prayer

Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou

Excerpts from the second half of the video:

Very difficult moments for humanity are coming. It seems that these difficult moments are just now starting. When this virus will end in May, other grievances will come; far greater than this one...

Therefore, we will need even more patience and even more faith. Now we are in the stage of practice, and of exams. These exams will...

December 15th, 2020

De-mystifying the Vaccine for Corona Virus

Monk Paul of the Holy Mountain, Biologist, MD Molecular Biology and Biomedicine

[Read it in Greek or German, as well.]

It is with sorrow and wonder that we are observing an event unprecedented in world history [1]. In the name of “love” for the elderly and the more vulnerable, vaccination is being scheduled for all...

November 28th, 2020

“ Defying the warnings of the police, Bishop Cyril blessed the water...”

St. Cyril of Kazan

An excerpt is from a book "Russia's Catacomb Saints: Lives of the New Martyrs" by Ivan Andreyev and Fr. Seraphim Rose.

"During the celebration of Theophany in Petersburg in 1909 Bishop Cyril revealed himself as an outstanding fighter for church truth and tradition. Under the influence of worldly “scientific” elements it was officially decreed that all water which was to be blessed for the feast...

October 20th, 2020

Are Orthodox Christian Bishops Afraid of COVID, the Government, or Both?

President Trump, after recovering from COVID, was due to leave Walter Reed hospital when he Tweeted this message, “Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.”

As an obese 74 year-old with a famously poor diet and a high-stress job, Trump has very publicly beaten the virus and in a short period of time. President Trump is also the...

August 30th, 2020

Should we send our kids to school if they are requiring them to wear masks?

Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou

Question: They want our kids, from 6 years up, to wear masks in school. What should we do?

Answer: Listen, my brother Aristeides, you who ask this good question: “Our children and our eyes!” [A Greek saying meaning ‘all your attention and care on your kids!’] “Your kids and your eyes!” Both the eyes and the mouth wish for a face that will see God - without a mask. The ancient...

June 5th, 2020

The Suicidal Church, in Body or in Spirit

By Archimandrite Gregorios Estephan, Abbot of Holy Dormition of the Theotokos Monastery, Bkeftine, Lebanon

April 4, 2020

(Translated by: Maher Salloum)

Christ is risen, truly He is risen!

Christ is risen despite all of Satan’s attempts to prevent His Resurrection. Neither pandemics nor all of the evils of this world are able to prevent Christ’s Resurrection. Christ is risen and creation still trembles until this day as it beholds the light of the Resurrection, just as it did 2000...

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