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Articles tagged: science

December 29th, 2021

The Spiritual Reality Concerning the Vaccine

-- From the Editor

I. Introduction

II. Two Truths

A. God Inspires Doctors in Their Practice of Medicine

B. Contemporary Science is from the Occult Tradition

III. Samples from our Sacred Tradition

A. From the Lives of...

October 26th, 2021

Fr. Ioannis Drongitis on Covidism

Interview in Four Parts

If you are in Fr. Demetrios Carellas’ email group, you will have noticed a four-part presentation of interviews by Fr. Ioannis Drongitis from October 3rd to October 7th. These reveal, to the English-speaking world, this priest who was not known before but we now hear boldly and “as one having authority” (cf. Matthew 7:29) confessing the truth of the spiritual matters on which many...

October 14th, 2021

The Aborted “Bioethics” of Ancient Faith Radio’s Fr. John Parker & Dr. Ryan Sampson Nash

By: Irene Polidoulis MD CCFP FCFP Assistant Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine and member of the Orthodox Church in Canada

Listening to an Ancient Faith Radio (AFR) Podcast on the Covid-19 vaccines (Part 1), an interview between Fr. John Parker and Dr. Ryan Sampson Nash, reminded me of that feeling you get when the rug is unexpectedly pulled out from under your feet, only in the...

September 29th, 2021

A Follow Up Open Letter to the Governor-General of Australia

by Deacon Stephen McKay, with the blessing of His Grace Bishop GEORGE+ of Canberra, Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia

This is the follow up letter from Deacon Stephen McKay (ROCOR) in Australia. See his first letter here:

This letter has been written in my capacity as a clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church...

September 13th, 2021

An Open Letter to the New South Wales Premier and Minister for Health and Medical Research

by Deacon Stephen McKay, with the blessing of His Grace Bishop GEORGE+ of Canberra, Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

This article and letter have been written in my capacity as a clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, and with the blessing of His Grace, Bishop GEORGE+ of Canberra. The views expressed herein are mine, and do not necessarily reflect the views of my other employer, AC3.

The most chilling aspect of the current response to the Covid19 pandemic is not simply the...

August 4th, 2021

Science and the Holy Fathers

Notes from Fr. Seraphim Rose

The following are select separate notes found after Fr. Seraphim Rose's repose in 1982, published in Genesis, Creation, and Early Man:

4. Science as a Lower Form of Knowledge

The Orthodox Christian is not “against science.” But he expects from science only that knowledge which it is capable of giving, by its very nature—not theology, not a philosophy of life. Yet in...

August 2nd, 2021

An Essential Epistle on the Greatest Blasphemy of Our Days

By George Karras, “Orthodox Heritage” editor, May 27th, 2020.


Today, at the end of the most tragic Lenten and Paschal season His Bride has ever lived, we celebrate the Apodosis of Pascha and tomorrow Orthodoxy observes His Holy Ascension. Sadly, most Orthodox churches shall remain either closed or with limited (at best)...

August 1st, 2021


From the Burning Bush Brotherhood

July 28th, 2021

Father Savvas the Athonite answers questions on fear and the fear of God (Part 1)

Greek Audio - English Subtitles

Father Savvas is a hieromonk in the Monastery of Holy Trinity, Edessa, Macedonia, Greece. He has a degree in Dentistry and in Theology.


July 1st, 2021

St. Peter Zverev's Sermon on the 1910 Cholera Pandemic

"But this is our grief – we have invented all the wrong means by which we think to be saved from this terrible sickness that has mercy on no one." - St. Peter Zverev

“There are still reports being received from various places that infectious disease is spreading across our country, and that it is carrying away to the grave many thousands of people. It is not surprising that in the face of this frightful phenomenon people are brought to anxiety and are striving to think of any means whereby they may avoid the impending thunderstorm. But this is our grief –...

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