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Articles tagged: obedience

August 4th, 2022

The Memory of Death Should Flourish in the Soul of a Christian

by Elder Ephraim of Philotheou and Arizona

Elder Ephraim says,

Oh, how much the memory of death should flourish in the soul of the Christian! Since he believes in the real truth, it is impossible for him to ignore death.

After my Elder's heart condition had passed, he wept and recited a line from the funeral service: "Alas, what a struggle the soul has as it parts from the body!" Indeed, this is the truth! How beautifully the...

January 13th, 2022

On Bishops and Catascops

-- by St. Andrew of Ufa in 1928

Repost from Catacomb History. Original article here

Excerpt: "What is Christianity? What is Church life? Christianity is an ardent love toward Christ our Saviour; Christianity is not an abstract idea but an unceasing ardency of spirit, prayer, joy,...

January 5th, 2022

The Saints of Each Generation Form a Kind of Golden Chain

St. Symeon the New Theologian

St. Symeon the New Theologian writes,

"The Saints — those who appear from generation to generation, from time to time, following the Saints who preceded them — become linked with their predecessors through obedience to the divine commandments, and endowed with divine grace, become filled with the same light. In such a sequence all of them together form a kind of golden chain, each Saint being a...

November 27th, 2021

Η Πατερική Στάση για τα Εμβόλια - Συνέντευξη με τον π. Σάββα Αγιορείτη (1/3)

Για την εκπομπή, το Oρθόδοξο Ήθος

Στο Α' μέρος της συνέντευξής μας με τον πάτερ Σάββα Αγιορείτη και θα ασχοληθούμε με:

Η κυτταρικές σειρές από εκτρωμένα έμβρυα στην παραγωγή εμβολίων

Η στάση ορθοδόξων βιβλιοθηκών για την κρίση των κυττάρων στα φάρμακα

Η απαγόρευση των ανεμβολιασμένων στους ναούς

Η αλλαγή που παρατηρείται σε πολλούς εμβολιασμένος

The Orthodox Ethos...

November 8th, 2021

Obedience is to the truth when the "Church" is not Orthodox.

Ieromonah Savatie Bastovoi

All the cases of total obedience reported in patristic literature refer to patience with humility of all kinds, not to submission to an unjust dogmatic or moral position.

Obedience ceases where unrighteousness and falsehood intervene, for love, which I have said is the condition of evangelical obedience, enjoys only truth. Obedience is not only along hierarchical lines, but above all, along the...

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