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Articles tagged: Ecclesiology

February 23rd, 2021

Orthodox Ecclesiology - Lesson 2: The Unity of the Church and the Mystery of Baptism

Archpriest Peter Heers

The Unity of the Church and the Mystery of Baptism

This is the second lesson of our 10 week course, "Orthodox Ecclesiology: The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and the Pan-Heresy of Syncretistic Ecumenism".

This is the second lessson of a 10 week course, which also includes - for all patrons - a separate 2 hour Q&A session every Thursday @ 9 PM EST, 6 PM PST. (To become a patron...

February 22nd, 2021

Orthodox Ecclesiology - Lesson 1: What is the Church?

Archpriest Peter Heers


The first lesson of our 10 week course, "Orthodox Ecclesiology: The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and the Pan-Heresy of Syncretistic Ecumenism" is now available.

Recorded on TUE., Feb. 16th @ 9 PM EST

This is the first lessson of a 10 week course, with a separate Q&A every Thursday @ 9 PM EST.

First Lesson will be live-streamed right here on...

July 20th, 2020

Τhe Sunday of the Holy Fathers and the Meaning of Heresy

The Orthodox Ethos Podcast

A pernicious and dangerous re-definition of heresy is spreading among theologians and hierarchs which blurs the boundaries of Orthodoxy and heresy and thus blocks the path of return and salvation for many. In this podcast Fr. Peter examines the teaching of the Holy Fathers on heresy, heretics, and the key differences, including, first of all, the therapeutic methodology in the Church, the fruit of which,...

June 23rd, 2020

St. Gregory Palamas: A Guide of Orthodoxy vis-a-vis the West and Roman Catholicism (Australia Lectures)

~ By Archpriest Peter Heers, Lecturer in Dogmatic Theology (CTS), Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, NY.

June 5th, 2020

The Suicidal Church, in Body or in Spirit

By Archimandrite Gregorios Estephan, Abbot of Holy Dormition of the Theotokos Monastery, Bkeftine, Lebanon

April 4, 2020

(Translated by: Maher Salloum)

Christ is risen, truly He is risen!

Christ is risen despite all of Satan’s attempts to prevent His Resurrection. Neither pandemics nor all of the evils of this world are able to prevent Christ’s Resurrection. Christ is risen and creation still trembles until this day as it beholds the light of the Resurrection, just as it did 2000...

May 5th, 2020


Archpriest John Klingel

We have all seen by now the disruptive reports describing in detail just how deadly and serious the coronavirus is. While that is true, the way that many within the Church are responding and, in particular, the guidance that we have received from many bishops, is disconcerting. We are directed now by hierarchs in several jurisdictions that the laity are to remain at home viewing the services via...

April 1st, 2020

New! The Orthodox Ethos Podcast


Join Fr. Peter Heers, Orthodox Christian priest, professor, author, speaker, translator and publisher from his Greek mountain village as he explores and presents the distinguishing characteristic of being a Christian: The Orthodox Ethos.

You will be (re)introduced to Christ, the Incarnate and Diachronic Presence of God, in the lives of those who have been purified, illumined and glorified by Him....

January 23rd, 2020

“A LION OF ORTHODOXY”: THEOLOGIAN, ASCETIC, ANTI-ECUMENIST; In memoriam, Protpresbyter George Metallinos

By Athanasius Zoitakis

Fr. George Metallinos is and will be remembered among those still struggling in this world as a great Churchman, a faithful man, a confessor and expositor of Orthodoxy, an unparalleled expert on Orthodoxy and Greece under the Turkish Yoke, and a spiritual man of great stature, nobility and refinement. I was very blessed to come to know Fr. George in the early 2000s and work besides him drafting several...

September 9th, 2019

Prof Dimitrios Tselengidis’ Letter to the Holy Synod of Greece

Dimitrios Tselengidis is professor of dogmatic theology at the University of Thessaloniki

SUBJECT: Regarding the institutional legitimization of the schismatic Church of Ukraine

Most Blessed Primate,

Reverend Holy Hierarchs,

With regard to the upcoming convocation of the Holy Synod of Hierarchs, as the least member of our local Church, but also as professor of the Church’s Dogmatic Theology, I...

March 31st, 2019

Becoming One With Christ: The Spiritual Presuppositions of Participation in the Mysteries

A Lecture By Archpriest Peter Heers

Saint Alexis the Man of God Orthodox Church

Alexandria, Sydney, Australia

Saturday, March 30 (17), 2019


St. Symeon the New Theologian on the Presuppositions to Participation in the Holy...

March 30th, 2019

LECTURE: Chalcedon and the Boundaries of the Church An Examination of the Ecclesiology of the Promoters of Union with the Monophysites/Non-Chalcedonians (EXCERPT)

By Archpriest Peter Heers

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church

Melbourne, Australia

Friday, March 29 (16), 2019


“Chalcedon and it’s decisions are as much about the Person of Christ as the Body of Christ. In its Oros (lit. Boundary-decision) the Council set down the boundaries inside of which one is IN Christ, outside of which one stands apart from Christ, from communion in Him....

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