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Articles tagged: Grace of the Holy Spirit

March 31st, 2019

Becoming One With Christ: The Spiritual Presuppositions of Participation in the Mysteries

A Lecture By Archpriest Peter Heers

Saint Alexis the Man of God Orthodox Church

Alexandria, Sydney, Australia

Saturday, March 30 (17), 2019


St. Symeon the New Theologian on the Presuppositions to Participation in the Holy...

June 27th, 2018

Jean-Claude Larchet calls for abstinence from social media during fasting periods

Prof. Jean-Claude Larchet

During the first day of the International Conference on Digital Media and Orthodox Pastoral Care in Crete (DMOPC18), the renowned theologian Jean-Claude Larchet said that during the fast seasons Christians ought to reduce their activity on social platforms.

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Petition to all local Churches to include the abstinence from the use of the...

March 19th, 2018

Journey to Life: Baptized into Christ in the Orthodox Church

The Miraculous Journey from Lutheranism, through eastern religions, to Orthodoxy

The miraculous journey from Lutheranism, through eastern religions, to the Orthodox Church.

This story has so much to teach us all – but especially Orthodox bishops and priests. In this video one sees the marvelous response of God to one man’s determined and pained search for spiritual health and healing and his simple and humble acceptance of the providence of God.

Seraphim was born,...

November 21st, 2017


Remembrances of Fr. Daniel Sysoev by Archimandrite Melchisedek (Artiukhin)

Today is already eight years form the beginning of the eternal life of our dear brother and sincere pastor Fr. Daniel Sysoev!

A priest once wrote these words in his last book: “The best end, which only a Christian can imagine, is a martyric death.” These words were written by the murdered priest Daniel Sysoev. His...

April 1st, 2017

Patristic Tradition Video: Fr. Peter Heers on the Patristic Royal Path in Wake of the Cretan "Council"

Questions and Answers on the Proper Response to Heresy and Innovations in Matters of Faith

Video Timeline

A short introduction in English and Greek, followed by questions and answers.

1-14 min: English Introduction

14-21 min: Greek introduction

21:00-33:30: English answer to First Question

33:30-40:00: Greek answer to...

March 3rd, 2017

The Difference between the Action of the Holy Spirit in Creation and in the Church

An excerpt from "The Ecclesiological Renovation of Vatican II" by Fr. Peter Heers

Have you ever wondered how to explain - in an Orthodox manner - what is the difference between spiritual life before and after reception and initiation into the Church?

Have you been confused by various ecumenical theories of "partial communion" or "common baptism" and what the Orthodox view says with regard to the clerical ministrations done in heterodox confessions?

You'll want to watch this new 6 minute video offering from Gregory Decapolite, which includes an excerpt from:

The Ecclesiological Renovation of Vatican II: An Orthodox Examination of Rome's Ecumenical Theology Regarding Baptism and the Church

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