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Articles tagged: magic

December 29th, 2021

The Spiritual Reality Concerning the Vaccine

-- From the Editor

I. Introduction

II. Two Truths

A. God Inspires Doctors in Their Practice of Medicine

B. Contemporary Science is from the Occult Tradition

III. Samples from our Sacred Tradition

A. From the Lives of...

October 19th, 2021

When is a Place Defiled by the Demons?

An Orthodox Ethos Original Article - Homily translated from Geronda Athanasios Mitilinaios

In anticipation of our article explaining that the question of vaccines is not only a medical question (despite many bishops and priests shamefully telling their flock this), we at Orthodox Ethos have translated a homily from Geronda Athanasios Mitilinaios that states demons do indeed inhabit places and things. Fr. Athanasios explains further in this catechetical homily how this is possible. We strongly...

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