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Articles tagged: abortion

January 11th, 2022


Reposted from the Burning Bush Brotherhood

When the Emperor Julian (A.D. 361-3), a Christian who apostatized and tried to reinstitute pagan worship in the Roman Empire, wished to attack Christians in Constantinople, he devised a plan to defile Christians during the first week Great Lent when the fast was strictest and cause them to break the fast. He ordered the governor to sprinkle blood for sacrifices offered to pagan gods to be sprinkled on...

December 29th, 2021

The Spiritual Reality Concerning the Vaccine

-- From the Editor

I. Introduction

II. Two Truths

A. God Inspires Doctors in Their Practice of Medicine

B. Contemporary Science is from the Occult Tradition

III. Samples from our Sacred Tradition

A. From the Lives of...

October 26th, 2021

Fr. Ioannis Drongitis on Covidism

Interview in Four Parts

If you are in Fr. Demetrios Carellas’ email group, you will have noticed a four-part presentation of interviews by Fr. Ioannis Drongitis from October 3rd to October 7th. These reveal, to the English-speaking world, this priest who was not known before but we now hear boldly and “as one having authority” (cf. Matthew 7:29) confessing the truth of the spiritual matters on which many...

October 18th, 2021

Understanding and Dealing with the Heresy of Covidism According to the Saints, Holy Elders and Clergy

Talk 82 by Father Kosmas (Archangel Michael Monastery, New South Wales, Australia)

Orthodox Ethos appreciates Fr. Kosmas' zeal for confession in these times of mass delusion and faithlessness. He is the first we noticed who coined the term "Covidism." In this important talk, he helps us understand the question we emphasize at Orthodox Ethos and we believe that all fiathful Orthodox Christians must be asking and being sure we answer correctly: "Who do you trust?" For a while now, saints...

October 14th, 2021

The Aborted “Bioethics” of Ancient Faith Radio’s Fr. John Parker & Dr. Ryan Sampson Nash

By: Irene Polidoulis MD CCFP FCFP Assistant Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine and member of the Orthodox Church in Canada

Listening to an Ancient Faith Radio (AFR) Podcast on the Covid-19 vaccines (Part 1), an interview between Fr. John Parker and Dr. Ryan Sampson Nash, reminded me of that feeling you get when the rug is unexpectedly pulled out from under your feet, only in the...

September 18th, 2021

September Pastoral Letter on Vaccine Passports

By: Auxiliary Bishop George of Australian & New Zealand Diocese (ROCOR)


September 15, 2021

To the Honourable Gladys Berejiklian and the Honourable Andrews,

As the Bishop of the faithful entrusted in me, I am compelled by my conscience to address by way of open letter a significant concern for my flock and all those who fall under the New South Wales and Victorian...

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