Articles tagged: goarch
The Spiritual Reality Concerning the Vaccine
-- From the Editor
I. Introduction
II. Two Truths
A. God Inspires Doctors in Their Practice of Medicine
B. Contemporary Science is from the Occult Tradition
III. Samples from our Sacred Tradition
A. From the Lives of...
Men Have Become Wolves to Men
“Do you want to be healed?” -- St. John 5:6. A new epistle from the Burning Bush Brotherhood

See original post and the Burning Bush Brotherhood site here:
Mount Sinai To AB Elpidophoros: The One and Only Ladder To Heaven…
Posted by Helleniscope

"By Nick Stamatakis
Helleniscope’s audience has been reacting for many weeks to the infamous statement by AB Elpidophoros at the “Religious Freedom Summit” in Washington DC on July 16, 2021: “When you elevate one religion above all others, it is as if you decide there is only one path leading to the top of the mountain. But the truth is you simply cannot see the myriads...