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January 13th, 2022

On Bishops and Catascops

-- by St. Andrew of Ufa in 1928

Repost from Catacomb History. Original article here

Excerpt: "What is Christianity? What is Church life? Christianity is an ardent love toward Christ our Saviour; Christianity is not an abstract idea but an unceasing ardency of spirit, prayer, joy,...

January 11th, 2022


Reposted from the Burning Bush Brotherhood

When the Emperor Julian (A.D. 361-3), a Christian who apostatized and tried to reinstitute pagan worship in the Roman Empire, wished to attack Christians in Constantinople, he devised a plan to defile Christians during the first week Great Lent when the fast was strictest and cause them to break the fast. He ordered the governor to sprinkle blood for sacrifices offered to pagan gods to be sprinkled on...

January 7th, 2022

Excerpt from Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios - Lesson 2: Revelation 1:1-3

Sign up for New Lecture Series on Revelation by Archpriest Peter Heers

Excerpt from: "Revelation: The Seven Golden Lampstands" - Orthodox Christian Lessons (volume 1) by Archimandrite Athanasios Mitilinaios

Lesson 2

Revelation 1:1-3

“The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place; and he made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony...

January 7th, 2022

New Lecture Series: The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle John

Begins January 17th, 8 pm EST (5 pm PST) - Sign up today!

January 5th, 2022

The Saints of Each Generation Form a Kind of Golden Chain

St. Symeon the New Theologian

St. Symeon the New Theologian writes,

"The Saints — those who appear from generation to generation, from time to time, following the Saints who preceded them — become linked with their predecessors through obedience to the divine commandments, and endowed with divine grace, become filled with the same light. In such a sequence all of them together form a kind of golden chain, each Saint being a...

December 29th, 2021

The Spiritual Reality Concerning the Vaccine

-- From the Editor

I. Introduction

II. Two Truths

A. God Inspires Doctors in Their Practice of Medicine

B. Contemporary Science is from the Occult Tradition

III. Samples from our Sacred Tradition

A. From the Lives of...

December 9th, 2021


— By Elder Ephraim of Philotheou and Arizona


— This prophecy is now circulating widely in Greek and undoubtedly has been told to many. This was told to me by a spiritual son of the elder a day before the elder’s Funeral Service and Burial. (The spiritual son said that the elder told him this in 2008) Thus, I heard it about 3 months before the difficulties he speaks of began and the coronavirus “crisis” exploded. He...

December 6th, 2021

On The Distinct Operations of the Divine Energies of the Holy Spirit According to Saint Maximos the Confessor

Excerpt from the Lecture Series “On Orthodox Ecclesiology” by Fr. Peter A. Heers

On presuppositions for Divine Grace within and outside the Church, according to St. Maximos the Confessor


December 1st, 2021

The Bitter Truth

By Blessed Metropolitan Augustinos of Florina

My dear friends, we need to acknowledge the bitter truth: the Orthodox Christians who are struggling to uphold the faith are very few. The vast majority of the faithful are progressively distancing themselves from the Orthodox Faith. I will say something that I have never said before. You may think it egotistical, but I will give you the criterion-the scale, if you will-to weigh today’s bishops,...

November 30th, 2021

A sinful and unworthy priest’s deep, heart-centered appeal to our Most Beloved Panaghia

A message from Papa Demetri (Carellas)

The following message was published via Fr. Demetri Carellas' email chain this past August, around the Feast of the Theotokos' Dormition. While it was written a number of months ago, readers will find it just as timely today. Indeed, the world and its corrupt powers seem insistent on booster shots and hyping up a new variant of COVID. So at his request, Orthodox Ethos is now sharing this appeal from Fr....

November 29th, 2021

Abuse of the Rudder in the Covidism and Vaccine Conversations

By: Andrew

Orthodox Christians that have made a conscientious objection to receiving the vaccine have been warned that not receiving the vaccine is a sin for which they will spend their lifetime repenting, or even worse that they may be condemned a murderer if they cause death by infecting others. However, these warnings are not a true reflection of the teaching of the Orthodox Church, and have misrepresented the...

November 27th, 2021

Η Πατερική Στάση για τα Εμβόλια - Συνέντευξη με τον π. Σάββα Αγιορείτη (1/3)

Για την εκπομπή, το Oρθόδοξο Ήθος

Στο Α' μέρος της συνέντευξής μας με τον πάτερ Σάββα Αγιορείτη και θα ασχοληθούμε με:

Η κυτταρικές σειρές από εκτρωμένα έμβρυα στην παραγωγή εμβολίων

Η στάση ορθοδόξων βιβλιοθηκών για την κρίση των κυττάρων στα φάρμακα

Η απαγόρευση των ανεμβολιασμένων στους ναούς

Η αλλαγή που παρατηρείται σε πολλούς εμβολιασμένος

The Orthodox Ethos...

November 27th, 2021

​Η ΠΑΤΕΡΙΚΗ ΣΤΑΣΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΑ ΕΜΒΟΛΙΟ (2/3) - Συνέντευξη με τον π. Σάββα Αγιορειτη

(Απο τον π. Πέτρο Χιρς) Για το Ορθόδοξο Ήθος Podcast

In this second part of our new three-part discussion (2/3) with Archimandrite Savas Agioreitis, which took place on October, 18th, 2021, we discuss:

1. How does one explain that the same consequences [spiritual] do not appear to be happening to everyone who takes the inoculations? / Δεν φαίνεται να έχει επιπτώσεις το εμβόλιο σε όλους. Πως εξηγείται αυτό;

2. If the spiritual father is...

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